Well-Known Member
I usually wait until i see pistills before flushing and changing to bloom nutes, which is usually around 2 weeks after flip if from seed and around 10 days if using clones 

Nice man sounds like s pretty elaborate artoponicd system! Can't wait to see the yield! Stayin tuned for this one!Ha thanks! Just like you said, it is so much better than a roomie and puts a lot more money in my pocket than one would haha
Its like an aeroponics setup kinda, theres a big sheet of styrofoam that the roots dangle onto and grow all over. The water pumps from the res and onto the table with PVC pipe that has tiny holes drilled it in. Water just squirts everywhere in there lol. That table gets a sheet of water laid on it that falls back into the reservoir and gets pumped back up to the table etc etc.
good to have you!!I'm in.
Love this strain! Mine are a bit ahead of yours time wise, all I can say is prepare for more growth lol.
Looking Awesome brother I am away for work at the moment so don't get much of a chance to log on as phones are banned on site can only use on breaks and when I'm back in my room keep up the good work going to get the Pound+ for sure
Shit you love your led's brother hope you sold your old ones to cover the cost of this new one i still don't like the design but i like the Par readings just watch out for light bleaching from the LED's can't wait to see the girls go nuts under this new light