Jesus! I swear I just skeeted
Jesus! I swear I just skeeted
Dude. That's so awesome. I've been zooming in on the tiles. Recognized immediately the gold Zelda's.
Dude. That's so awesome. I've been zooming in on the tiles. Recognized immediately the gold Zelda's.
Here's a websites top 100- I bet you have 90% of them.
That's an old pic too, all those SNES games are in a box in the closet and the shelf on the left is completely full of boxed Genesis games, and there are more bookended across the entire top of both shelves. That's only like half my collection total too lol.
got a copy of jackal and uncle festers quest i can borrow?
got a copy of jackal and uncle festers quest i can borrow?
man i only have 20 or so left. miss my hardtofindsYep. I have, I think it was like 304 NES games total now. I'd have to count them again.
man i only have 20 or so left. miss my hardtofinds
yea theres a spot round the cona that had all the throwback nes shit.I got most of that from garage sales over the past 15 years or so, I'll trade off any duplicates I've got to my online friends form out of state. I used to buy them off ebay a long time ago when you could still get most of them for like $1 or 2. I also bought a huge stack from gamestop when they used to carry them, 75 cents for festers quest and iron sword.
Whoa is right
I can't seem to pick a favorite between these two versions. And i've been listening to both of them non stop for about 5 yrs now, trying to decide.Politzania, brave strong and true
Politzania, we all love you
We'll smite our foes for we are right
And God is on our side
Politzania, red, white and green
Politzania, reigning supreme
Victors in war
Champions of peace
Unto eternity
(Everybody now)
La la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la
We're the masters of the world