2nd auto grow. Pinkie pie x think different

Also personally I try to feed them really light feeds just more often. So my 1/4 feeds are every other day. Towards bloom water in between and flushed once a week. Have to take into account I'm mostly soil less. My haze is drinking 3/4 a gallon a day. Probably less now its under just a little led and 58w cfl
i hear most say don't flush autos. Something about its too much stress for them
i hear most say don't flush autos. Something about its too much stress for them
you have to flush with soil less to keep salts from building .... i flush regularly .... i dont flush before chop though when they look about done i just stop feeding them
once the roots are established .... you can soak them down and they will just drink it up instead of it just sitting there in it like they do when theyre young
So for week 5 what should I feed them. I was thinking of doing week 4 from the chart. But do half of the bloom feed.

I'm seeing about an inch a day in growth. Wonder when that will stop. I haven't moved my light to see if that helpsView attachment 3451456
and that is a pretty hot feeding schedule.... you should really look into something with less bottles all you need is grow , bloom and a cal/mag supplement

that inch a day is preflower stretch i would slack off of veg nutes after this and give it a week or two ,after it stops getting taller i would stop veg nutes altogether , if they look happy i would just let them ride until they actually start budding

i could give you my feeding schedule but it wouldnt help you much seeing how you are in soil .... just remember less is more ...... if you dont feed it enough you can always feed it again in a couple days .... but its really hard to remedy a overfeed
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and that is a pretty hot feeding schedule.... you should really look into something with less bottles all you need is grow , bloom and a cal/mag supplement

that inch a day is preflower stretch i would slack off of veg nutes after this and give it a week or two ,after it stops getting taller i would stop veg nutes altogether , if they look happy i would just let them ride until they actually start budding

i could give you my feeding schedule but it wouldnt help you much seeing how you are in soil .... just remember less is more ...... if you dont feed it enough you can always feed it again in a couple days .... but its really hard to remedy a overfeed
Ok so I won't give it any more veg nutes...next time I feed I will do week 5 feeding but do half....and see what happens. This feeding shit is crazy. I would rather not feed at all. Just water and call it the day
Ok so I won't give it any more veg nutes...next time I feed I will do week 5 feeding but do half....and see what happens. This feeding shit is crazy. I would rather not feed at all. Just water and call it the day
really with some descent soil ... you can slide by without feeding .... but if you want some big plants and to fill up more jar's they need one in veg atleast and one when flower kicks off then a few weeks into flower , the more perlite , coco , pure peat that is added to the mix the more you'll have to feed
really with some descent soil ... you can slide by without feeding .... but if you want some big plants and to fill up more jar's they need one in veg atleast and one when flower kicks off then a few weeks into flower , the more perlite , coco , pure peat that is added to the mix the more you'll have to feed
Yeah I didn't add anything this time. I didn't have enough money and time to get everything. My bronco wasn't running. All I have is fox farm happy frog. And for 5 weeks with very weak feeding they look pretty good. I hope they can finish in the next 5 weeks.

So week 5 feeding is fine at half strength???
Yeah I didn't add anything this time. I didn't have enough money and time to get everything. My bronco wasn't running. All I have is fox farm happy frog. And for 5 weeks with very weak feeding they look pretty good. I hope they can finish in the next 5 weeks.

So week 5 feeding is fine at half strength???
in theory yes .... in reality its a plant to plant thing ...... from what ive seen you havent popped a nute sensitive pheno yet .... talk about a pain in the ass lol
Ok so the veg growths has finally stop. Shit is about to get real...I'm very shaky on the nutes....I see the smallest amount of burnt tips but I think they are fine. They really haven't been feed. To tell the truth I really hate the fact I have to feed them. I think I'm going to look into a soil soil thing. Nutes are touchy...next week I will do the lightest bloom feed. And will go till week 9 depending on my ladies.

Need help pushing my super shocked plant along....should I give it veg nutes to try to gain a bit of size or just let it be?image.jpgimage.jpg
Yeah that one is 5 going on 6 like the others...
But it has a lot of Glans so if anything it will add so kick to the bag

Any predictions to what I get off her?

My vote is I still get a zip lol

Case your votes people
Ok so the veg growths has finally stop. Shit is about to get real...I'm very shaky on the nutes....I see the smallest amount of burnt tips but I think they are fine. They really haven't been feed. To tell the truth I really hate the fact I have to feed them. I think I'm going to look into a soil soil thing. Nutes are touchy...next week I will do the lightest bloom feed. And will go till week 9 depending on my ladies.

Need help pushing my super shocked plant along....should I give it veg nutes to try to gain a bit of size or just let it be?View attachment 3453004View attachment 3453006
just keep her on schedule with everyone else, looks healthy.
smaller plants use less nutes so giving her extra may cause a lockout, just ride it out and she should start filling in for you those smaller plants often yield suprisingly well because they focus all the energy on that 1 cola of bud instead of vegging or filling in a bunch of little popcorn bud sites.
Ok week 6.... Buds are coming in hard. Will start working soon so the next 4 weeks will go a lil faster. I have 5 plants that will put out weight the 6th one is very small. I want 3 zips per plant. But it does look as If I will get my ounce per plant...

I had to go pick up a plug in air freshener since the smell was getting strong. This filter is not working as good as I hope. As least not for these.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
Ok week 6.... Buds are coming in hard. Will start working soon so the next 4 weeks will go a lil faster. I have 5 plants that will put out weight the 6th one is very small. I want 3 zips per plant. But it does look as If I will get my ounce per plant...

I had to go pick up a plug in air freshener since the smell was getting strong. This filter is not working as good as I hope. As least not for these.

View attachment 3456212 View attachment 3456213 View attachment 3456214

thats easily a 1.5oz plant, any colors yet?
have you figured out what day youll take them to? 70,80,90,100?
They look nice Black Jesus..View attachment 3456475
thats easily a 1.5oz plant, any colors yet?
have you figured out what day youll take them to? 70,80,90,100?
Man I've been telling myself I'll let them go for 10 weeks. But it all up to them. I can see now they all are not going to finish at the same time. I'm seeing problems come up on a few leaves. I'll try to get a few pic up to get a little help
Oh and zero color change....I'm checking everyday.
These are the spots coming up. I suck at finding out plant problems

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From what I can tell it's a lockout. I haven't really feed the plants but should I flush or what. I confess to using tap water. If needed I will pick up a few gallon from the store
Looks to be a k problem. I will bump up my notes with good water
https://www.google.com/shopping/product/5645427521837998381?q=jobes organic fertilizer 4-4-4&espv=2&biw=914&bih=456&dpr=1.75&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=zGKfVfaAMIiGyQTHjIJA.1436508908342.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX9CQaQt6D0clOaBfA6a8CgRjMwmnJiSFmWllysOOtuzv6DimU4QGHvjJ8JuvcODSlTRG1f5BnVshoMPYdUV-_zL8gEqAubb5pvaWhiDijTKYSS6vMRIZAFPVH72Pg-W6RlT1_UhcYnG6UG8iqZxixQ&ved=0CEgQpis&ei=-GKfVfaLDte3yASa_6X4Dg

they sell this at lowes it's really cheap , smells like booty .... damn good stuff and its kinda time release also ......top feed a little and water it in .... pretty simple ..... i know you were saying you wanted to get away from nutes ..... this stuff feed's the soil and the plant