"LPs are lawfully able to use pesticides on their cannabis. I didn't realize that some pesticides had been approved (I'd seen that some fungicides were, but here is the latest list):
As of May 12, 2015, there are seven registered pesticides approved by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for use on cannabis (marijuana) that is produced commercially indoors. They are:
MilStop® Foliar Fungicide
Actinovate® SP Fungicide
Opal Insecticidal Soap
Neudosan Commercial
Kopa Insecticidal Soap
Rootshield® HC Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder
Rootshield® WP Biological Fungicide"
MilStop -> Active Ingredient Potassium Bicarbonate w/a horticultural oil as a carrier. This type of combination is used by pretty much every greenhouse grower everywhere in one way or another.
Actinovate -> Active ingredient is streptomyces lydicus. This harmless bacteria which originates from soil has been injected into animals and fed to them in large quantities with no ill effect. It requires a living soil in which to propagate and becomes inactive after a fairly short period of time when not in its native environment.
Opal Insecticidal Soap -> Active ingredient -> Potassium salts of fatty acids. Look up the MSDS. The propylene glycol which is in that is in everything from soda to e-cig pens.
Neudosan Commecial -> Appears to be another version of Opal.
Kopa Insecticidal Soap -> OMRI listed. Another version of Opal
Rootshield HC and WP -> Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22. Absolutely no effect upon human health or safety.