Well-Known Member
My old pub only sold the extra coldWell when was the last time you heard somebody order a pint of Guinness Extra Cold?
My old pub only sold the extra coldWell when was the last time you heard somebody order a pint of Guinness Extra Cold?
lol the Extra cold sells more than the normal in England now i think, could be wrong
Not in Ireland man if i asked for my guinness in a cold glass id be asked politly be asked to leave ... extra cold aint normal guinness as i said u cant add sumtin to sumtin and call it the same...
lol, Extra Cold is normal Guinness mate.
It just goes through a super chiller before it hits the pump, the higher asking price pays for the huge chiller the company come and fit into your cellar.
cold is the way to drink it, it's foul else.
it's distilled!
But didn't u say it tastes the same
All over the world??
come on lol weve danced this dance a few times over the years lol at least its something to read and the threads running fast lol
Can u imagine us all meeting up sometime.....Guinness comes into the conversation and BAM, all fuckin hell breaks loose lol
Can u imagine us all meeting up sometime.....Guinness comes into the conversation and BAM, all fuckin hell breaks loose lol
Why ruin sumtin thats perfect ???
lol, only a fucking Irish fanboy would think Guinness is perfect.
The draught recipe has changed I don't know how times over the years, it's now pasteurised and in metal kegs and it has varying strengths depending on the package ffs.
As stouts go it's shite.