The UK Growers Thread!

Not in Ireland man if i asked for my guinness in a cold glass id be asked politly be asked to leave ... extra cold aint normal guinness as i said u cant add sumtin to sumtin and call it the same...

lol, Extra Cold is normal Guinness mate.

It just goes through a super chiller before it hits the pump, the higher asking price pays for the huge chiller the company come and fit into your cellar.
But didn't u say it tastes the same
All over the world??

It does, the difference in sweeteners is whether sucrose or high fructose corn syrup was used as a starting point.

There is no taste difference between sugar made from synthesised fructose or high fructose corn syrup.

The back of the can/bottle just says 'sugar'.

Fructose found naturally in fruit is exactly the same as fructose made in a lab from corn syrup and exactly the same as fully synthesised frusctose in a lab.
Yea but if we all got the same seeds and grew em out with all same soil and feed are we all gonna get same product ? NO ... so it aint all the fukin same... simples
Why ruin sumtin thats perfect ???

lol, only a fucking Irish fanboy would think Guinness is perfect.

The draught recipe has changed I don't know how times over the years, it's now pasteurised and in metal kegs and it has varying strengths depending on the package ffs.

As stouts go it's shite.

lol, only a fucking Irish fanboy would think Guinness is perfect.

The draught recipe has changed I don't know how times over the years, it's now pasteurised and in metal kegs and it has varying strengths depending on the package ffs.

As stouts go it's shite.

Says a man from yorkshirse .. piss off lol