Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
Those are probably just calyxes, dewey. they develop during late flowering. just wait until you get back, and you'll know whether or not they're seeds.

If you didn't see nuts, theyre not hermies. At worst, dcg above is right and you got some seeds. Go online and look for pictures of seeded buds. It will make you feel better. Don't worry about the genetics yet.


Well-Known Member
Well, I already smoked some of my bud, and picked out 6 seeds from 3 small branches that I cut off and dried in the last 4 days. I'm not sure if I get what you and dcg are saying.

If at sexing, these where females, and there not hermies, how come I have seeds? I don't understand how it happened. unless the males pollen came from out side.

I did kill them males and put them in a compost pile. But its on the other side of the house. But my ventilation comes from outside, would it be possible that this happened?


Well-Known Member
Anyways, I have seeds on both mothers. But your right cee, not nearly as much as seeded bud has. So can someone explain the process on how this happened and how should I change my growing habits to prevent this on the next batch?

Also, once the clones get introduced into the flower room, is there pollen still in there and needs a good cleaning?



Well-Known Member
Thought I responded to this earlier ... weird.

Rogue pollen definitely could have come from outside or from busted nuts in the room. When you removed the males, did you notice powdered pollen on the leaves?

Take a look on the moms and look for balls and powdered pollen. It should be fairly easy to spot.


Well-Known Member
I mean, I noticed them on the males in week one of flower. So I know what to look for. But on the mothers don't have them at all. Which is weird. If its like looking at the sex between the nodes, These don't have them. Just seeds here and there. Its like out of every 6 flower is a seed. I don't know! This shit is all new to me.

If I am looking for something different, let me know or if you have an example pic, please post.


Well-Known Member
balls are balls, so if you don't see them, you're in good shape. Pollen is easy to see on the leaves below where balls pop, so if you don't see it by now you're in good shape.

next time, dispose of boys in the trash. you don't want that shit laying around anyway - technically that's enough for a search warrant.

at least you're using fluoros for your vegging, so the lights won't do too much damage.

enjoy your vaca.


Well-Known Member
those are home super healthy looking clones. is it okay to top clones after letting them root completely? maybe a month after cutting


Well-Known Member
Yea, At first they were the buds appeared to be small. But then I forgot how much they shrink when they start drying out. Then I clipped all the leaf out, and I had way more bud then I thought I was going to have.

I am happy with the size of the harvest. I just need to cure it and see how it smokes, and if its a good high or not. I have the clones going into the flower room today. I will have to snap an update of them. About 50% of them where grown into the light while gone. The new T5 exploded them while I was gone.

But its time to get some good seed. I need to figure out where I am going to order from.


Well-Known Member
And I would agree with you, those clones are def ready for flowering. That t5 looks like it is working great!

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
And I would agree with you, those clones are def ready for flowering. That t5 looks like it is working great!

Tom :joint::peace:
Its totally fucking amazing what it does to plants during veg. Only using blue spectrum, thought about doing a mix, but I happy with the results of just blue.

Thanks for stopping by Tom

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
hey man, you were saying you like the all blue, i have the mix, and i have to say i LOVE the mix for veg, im also flowering with the same light and same bulbs, and the guy at my hydro shop has already used these lights through flower and he has done hid and he said that he likes the t5 more for all around, so i plan on getting another t5 fixture with the same 50/50 mix on bulbs.. :joint:

keep at it man clones are beautiful! :hump:


Well-Known Member
hey man, you were saying you like the all blue, i have the mix, and i have to say i LOVE the mix for veg, im also flowering with the same light and same bulbs, and the guy at my hydro shop has already used these lights through flower and he has done hid and he said that he likes the t5 more for all around, so i plan on getting another t5 fixture with the same 50/50 mix on bulbs.. :joint:

keep at it man clones are beautiful! :hump:
Well, I have the bulbs, so maybe I will try it out. Thanks for confirming it...


Well-Known Member
All bud in jar. Letting them sweat over night, check humidity in the am. Burp the next 2-3 days, and its toking time.

Not the largest harvest, but hey, this should last me a few months, till the next large harvest is ready.


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Looks great! that is some good looking nug action! i would smoke that with a very large grin if i grew that! let us know what you think about taste, spicy/sweet 1 to 10 high, the lowdown.

Love those clones too btw! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dr. Shakalu. I def. need to write a review on it tonight. So far, the cure is just about done. I think by tomm. I can smoke it, for fully done in 2 days.

I left some small nugs out longer with fan, and there done. It def. gets me high. I just need to think about it and write the effect and rate it.