My top dress/mulch/tea plan im considering......LMK what yall think PLZ


Well-Known Member
Whattup peeps. So i got have a small plan for my young garden (15days since transplanting clones into 1 and 2 gallon pots Smart Pots) and I would like to hear yall opinions.

Top dressing: EWC, Compost, Humus with layer of all natural aged wood mulch on top
Tea: EWC, Compost, Humus, Fish Hydro, Alfalfa and Kelp meal bubbled for 30 hours

Im a noob and dont want to F up but i feel like this a good plan to give a major wake up to my micro beasties. Just dont want to over do it. Thanx and Peace.
Whattup peeps. So i got have a small plan for my young garden (15days since transplanting clones into 1 and 2 gallon pots Smart Pots) and I would like to hear yall opinions.

Top dressing: EWC, Compost, Humus with layer of all natural aged wood mulch on top
Tea: EWC, Compost, Humus, Fish Hydro, Alfalfa and Kelp meal bubbled for 30 hours

Im a noob and dont want to F up but i feel like this a good plan to give a major wake up to my micro beasties. Just dont want to over do it. Thanx and Peace.
another thing I forgot to ask in the PM is how long are you going to vege them? In that small of a pot you'll want to flower soon, like probably within ten days, if you go longer than that you are gonna have a rootbound issue, well the one gallons anyways, the twos you might be alright but still.. it'll limit you.
Unless you go from clone to flower a one gal is too small, especially for organics.
You'll see what I mean when you get done, cuz the 2 gals will be much larger/happier than the ones, unless you are going to transplant again. Tranplanting from a smartpot is a bitch though. If you had them in 5 gals that would be better, 7 would be best. At least.
And in my opinion it's much better t just go with a microbial tea rather than a nutrient tea, this close to transplanting anyways. So personally i'd skip the fish, kelp, and alfalfa.
Don't get me wrong those are all verrrrry awesome things to use, but in a fortified soil, with a relatively un-established root system and you are asking for trouble.
In my opinion anyways.
That tea would be AWESOME in about a month or so though.
grease u r the man....i can say it enough.
i fucked when planing this and was gonna go str8 to 5 and 7 gals from start. but then i went broke and canceled MH light for veg went with T5. however didnt relize til too late i cant fit all my gurls in 5-7 gals under my 4 ft 8 lamp t5. so i went small.
i planned to flip june15 but it really comes down to size. couple of my kushes are getting tall(6+ inches) but for the most part everyone is pretty short still. so i was thinking of toping my kushes a couple times and seeing if i can veg til then. but i planned to transplant 7-10 days before the flip......and i just did the math im planning to transplant around june 5. sound ok grease? what can i do to make the transplant from smart less of a bitch?
grease u r the man....i can say it enough.
i fucked when planing this and was gonna go str8 to 5 and 7 gals from start. but then i went broke and canceled MH light for veg went with T5. however didnt relize til too late i cant fit all my gurls in 5-7 gals under my 4 ft 8 lamp t5. so i went small.
i planned to flip june15 but it really comes down to size. couple of my kushes are getting tall(6+ inches) but for the most part everyone is pretty short still. so i was thinking of toping my kushes a couple times and seeing if i can veg til then. but i planned to transplant 7-10 days before the flip......and i just did the math im planning to transplant around june 5. sound ok grease? what can i do to make the transplant from smart less of a bitch?
you mean july 5th?
and that's pretty close to the last time you transplanted too...
easiest way to trans from a smartie is to cut it away from the roots, but if you are transplanting again on the 5th it won't need it yet, you said you transplanted like two weeks ago right?
Gonna piss off those roots...
my advice is flower them now, and get some more plants to vege while these are flowering, that way you can kinda get your feet wet a lil with this process.
Plus you can get a feel for what the strains are like, in case you run them again.
Plus this way you'll have nugs by halloween
i tranplanted from the rockwool, soil plugs, and solo cups i recieved them in on june 10. i planned to transplant to 5 and 7 gals on july 5 and flip on july 15.
i do really like ur idea while it wouldnt get me the weight i want, i like experienced gained. however i cant afford my lamps til june 1 wont be here til proll june 5. so thats why i picked june 15. plus i figure good veg time, good size plants, hpefully will equal good sized harvest.
i tranplanted from the rockwool, soil plugs, and solo cups i recieved them in on june 10. i planned to transplant to 5 and 7 gals on july 5 and flip on july 15.
i do really like ur idea while it wouldnt get me the weight i want, i like experienced gained. however i cant afford my lamps til june 1 wont be here til proll june 5. so thats why i picked june 15. plus i figure good veg time, good size plants, hpefully will equal good sized harvest.
dude you keep referring to june...
you stoner.
Ok, so if you are going to do it that way, i'd recommend transplanting a lil later, to allow the roots to grow in, transplanting a plant without a good rootball leads to LOTS of transplant shock, and pissed off roots.
lol sorry grease but thanx for ur concern....u caught me GREEN handed...been smoking all morning and bout to light up right now!
so lets say i do flip on JULY 15 when should i transplant to final containers? and since we are talking so much bout transplanting i have another question.
i ran out of smartpots and put my 2 chernobyls in ok sized plastic ones. should i wait til transplant or could/should i put them in smartpots now that i have aquired them? im assuming based on what u just said i should just wait til the final transplant? thanx
lol sorry grease but thanx for ur concern....u caught me GREEN handed...been smoking all morning and bout to light up right now!
so lets say i do flip on JULY 15 when should i transplant to final containers? and since we are talking so much bout transplanting i have another question.
i ran out of smartpots and put my 2 chernobyls in ok sized plastic ones. should i wait til transplant or could/should i put them in smartpots now that i have aquired them? im assuming based on what u just said i should just wait til the final transplant? thanx
yes, exactly, tranplants with a plant that isn't ready is very tricky to say the least, I've been growing since 1989 and I can transplant any plant with ZERO shock, but I wouldn't be able to do those without pissing the roots off, you simply can't. The rootball must be established to hold itself together before transplanting.
but yea, the plastic ones are fine, I grew for over a decade with only plastic containers, no problem.