Blue Wizard's AMA

Blue plaid, that's my favorite color plaid.

I like them both but if I had to pick I'd go with Sarina.

One more question; what should I start re-reading again?

Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men?
Todd MacFarlane's run on Spawn?
Or just re-read Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis for the 20th time, it being the greatest comic ever written.

Wait, one more:

Do you believe in aliens?
One more question; what should I start re-reading again?

Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men?
Todd MacFarlane's run on Spawn?
Or just re-read Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis for the 20th time, it being the greatest comic ever written.

Wait, one more:

Do you believe in aliens?


Like visiting aliens or just life on other planets?

They have identified several planets that could support life already and the universe is so vast it's inevitable.

I remember reading somewhere that aliens would have to travel to earth at the speed of light from the nearest planet that could sustain life, before there was even life on this planet just to arrive here now. So I doubt that.
I mean higher intelligence forms. It's pretty obvious that there is other life somewhere to all but the craziest religious fundies. And I used to think that visitors to Earth is an absurd notion, but spend enough time in the backcountry and you see some weird shit at night in the sky.

I remember seeing these lights moving in a zig-zag pattern across the sky in the North Cascades that to this day boggle me. I was on plenty of loritabs, whiskey, and terrible terrible WA rec weed though, but my 2 friends saw them also. Same substances involved for them though.

Wormholes could explain a lot. Dunno why the first order of business for aliens is to shove shit up our asses, but I guess I could understand. I like putting things up asses, so why not aliens?
OK, I'll ask you.

Why did you post over 200 posts in one day, each of them containing about 20 identical images? That's just spam, and we ban spammers every day. If you were not trying to be banned, then why do it?
