Aquaponics- the Dream build.

The hang ups I've run into so far are;
6.2 pH is likely too low for tilapia
68*F is kind of cold for the tilapia- they may survive but growth and food consumption will likely be low
flowering nutrient demands.
Pacu will tolerate the lower pH but again growth may be hindered.
Bluegill will tolerate temp and pH but probably won't take higher stocking levels in my smaller tanks.
For nutrient issues I am going to try a coir pot with vermiculite, perlite, and compost mix set in a net pot with a few inches of Hydrotone in the bottom. Running the water level below the coir pot. This will allow lower roots to reach the water while upper roots can feed.
I may also drip compost tea to each plant.
DWC I like the picture in my head of the system you describe in Africa. Sounds really cool! I look at those Harbor Freight flyers all the time and I saw a solar fountain pump in one of them. I'm trying to convince my dad to set something up on his 60 acres with that pump coming out of his 18' diameter swimming pool that is just a water trough with goldfish in it. Figured it would be a fun to way to play with the process.

EDIT: I'd like to try this thing out if it is really super easy to get the worm tea that sounds like a real winner!
I would look at my local waters and see if there are fish that I can get from there. I have recently seen people even using crawfish. Many different options!
I have a friend that grows vegs by Aq, but has split the system into 2 parts, as the fish and
plants need different ph's and fishshit doesn't supply all your plants need. If the plants need
more Fe, that can be added on the plant side and not mess with the fish.
He on uTube under Ponicwars, we both do the same on his hydroponic formulation, he grows
Aq and hydro.
You can feed beef heart every couple weeks to ad Fe for the plants. Or, like the video I posted, you can feed brine shrimp or blood worms. Also, if you ad red wiggler composting worms to a flood and drain bed they will convert the fish poop into K and Phosphorous I believe, whatever the plants need that isn't AP without worms gets added with worms so you can flower. Also, you could actually feed beef heart multiple times per week to supercharge the growth of your fish but you will need to change at least 80% of your water afterward most likely. I have never dome this in an AP setup but my friend owned an aquarium store and sold discus which go up in price rapidly with size.

As for the PH, you just need fish that like acidic water. Brazilian Amazon native fish are good for this. Possibly Pacu though I'm not sure. have a lot of fish and they show the ph the fish prefer.
The more I research it seems that the PH will simply never be "ideal" for cannabis in an AP system. That said, I'm looking to grow medication, not win the cannabis cup :D
Tilapia are hardy. My ph meter it's broken unfortunately or I'd check mine. It's probably fairly low at this point.

I had an oakton phtestr 10. Used it for two weeks, then stored maybe 3 weeks, maybe a month. Was always washed off and kept wet, never out of water more than 5 minutes, stored in water. When I went to calibrate it measured ph7 calibration solution as 10
Calcium can block K and Phosphorous uptake of plants though. Iron is just something that has blood in it basically as far as I can tell.

The videos I posted on page 1 show plants that have been growing without any iron added outside a bloody fish food, once every two weeks.

If you are running a high ph system then that could be your problem with the iron uptake...
Tilapia are hardy. My ph meter it's broken unfortunately or I'd check mine. It's probably fairly low at this point.

I had an oakton phtestr 10. Used it for two weeks, then stored maybe 3 weeks, maybe a month. Was always washed off and kept wet, never out of water more than 5 minutes, stored in water. When I went to calibrate it measured ph7 calibration solution as 10
I was at the hydro store yesterday and they were saying it seemed the better the probe the more often it needs calibration. I'll have to check mine.
I think I dropped it below 6 last time I used the meter.

Maybe so bhookus, strange that it'll just go so far out of whack and not come back though :(
Here ya go my 35k gal system, ran it for 3 years with koi talapia tiger prawns and guppies,what would ya like to know?
Wish I would have tried my system up their, Florida is full of sell serving people that only care about their own selfish only failure was getting the help I needed! Did everything myself from the build to harvest to sale with 8k plants....
Pics are in my old post!
Iron was an issue because of high alkalinity and high ph. Easily corrected
with eddha iron (the only iron I trust now!)..also had to supplement Potassium with foliar feeding with potassium sulfate...0-0-40!!! Still haven't found a feed that is high in potassium, but I did have a retention ditch I made for my least 1k gal filled with duck weed! Awesome free food for fish chickens ect...
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Calcium can block K and Phosphorous uptake of plants though. Iron is just something that has blood in it basically as far as I can tell.

The videos I posted on page 1 show plants that have been growing without any iron added outside a bloody fish food, once every two weeks.

If you are running a high ph system then that could be your problem with the iron uptake...
Yes high ph is a huge problem with iron it becomes locked out at I believe 7.8 but at 7.3 it starts to become less effective...that's why I recommend using eddha as it is 100% available up to 10ph!!!
Tilapia are hardy. My ph meter it's broken unfortunately or I'd check mine. It's probably fairly low at this point.

I had an oakton phtestr 10. Used it for two weeks, then stored maybe 3 weeks, maybe a month. Was always washed off and kept wet, never out of water more than 5 minutes, stored in water. When I went to calibrate it measured ph7 calibration solution as 10
Talapia are very hardy but I would strongly recommend staying away from them! One female and you have over 500 babies underneath your plants eating your roots! Most farms have males only but they can change too just like our beloved cannabis plant!! Go with koi! They are hardy, unlikely to breed unless given a ton of space...also at the end of a year or two you would be looking at a $500-$2000 fish instead of that tasteless $6 talapia.
I'm building my system around two major parameters for cannabis. PH at 6.2 and temp at 68'F. That said I just picked up 10 silver dollar sized red pacu and will be adding crystal red shrimp to a separate area in the system. I wanted to grow tiger prawn, tilapia and pot outta one system. I've conceded that would likely be a struggle with dissimilar requirements. Any of the bee shrimp should be a perfect addition since their optimal pH is 6.2 and temp at 68. The pacu prefer a lower pH coming from the Amazon and may grow slower at 68', but I'll be surprised. Those things grow like you wouldn't believe. The shrimp should colonize in the DWC tanks and help keep the roots clean.
Here ya go my 35k gal system, ran it for 3 years with koi talapia tiger prawns and guppies,what would ya like to know?

Pics are in my old post!
Iron was an issue because of high alkalinity and high ph. Easily corrected
with eddha iron (the only iron I trust now!)..also had to supplement Potassium with foliar feeding with potassium sulfate...0-0-40!!! Still haven't found a feed that is high in potassium, but I did have a retention ditch I made for my least 1k gal filled with duck weed! Awesome free food for fish chickens ect...

I just picked up some potassium sulfate. I think it may be 0-0-50, I'll have to double check. How did you mix it up for your foliar spray?
I just picked up some potassium sulfate. I think it may be 0-0-50, I'll have to double check. How did you mix it up for your foliar spray?
I used to put a about teaspoon per gallon..not sure what is recommended but I just make sure the ppm is low and the ph isn't too low I have never had a problem with too much, but you may want to look up what is recommended....also I think that 68 for talapia is water stayed at 68 all year round (40-100 outside temps) because of it's size and the fact my liners made contact with the ground helped in sure. Ps..if anyone wants to know where to find good cheap food grade liners, look for used billboards! If I remember correctly a 30'x20' 13mil dura scrim was like $60 as opposed to a rubber liner that size running $400-$500 also they can be easily cut and or glued together!
Another awesome setup is with ibc creates, 275-330 gal usually $50-$125 I even used 4 of them to make a second filtration system!!
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Recycled bath tubs!!!