★ Atomic Squat ★

Hows everyone doing? Our grounds keeper might be getting fired today, dude will just stand around doing nothing if you don't stand there and watch him constantly, and he's always late for work even though he lives on property.

I caught him standing around like 5 times today, fucking bullshit. When he sees you he'll go back to mowing the yard, but at soon as you're out of sight he goes right back to standing in the shade.

The amazing thing is, he's 100 times better than the last guy. You would tell the last guy to do something, then he would go do something else that you didn't even mention for him to do and he would fuck it up. Oh, and he broke a bunch of tools and cleaning supplies.

He broke a lawnmower, a weedeater, two mops, a broom, a dust pan, the vacuum cleaner, the steam cleaner, two paint trays and a trash can. In the span of 3 weeks. And he spilled so much paint on a carpet we had to replace it, and he was supposed to be doing yard work, not painting an apartment. Fucking jackass.
Nice lineup. You thinking about going?

The amazing thing is, he's 100 times better than the last guy. You would tell the last guy to do something, then he would go do something else that you didn't even mention for him to do and he would fuck it up. Oh, and he broke a bunch of tools and cleaning supplies.

He broke a lawnmower, a weedeater, two mops, a broom, a dust pan, the vacuum cleaner, the steam cleaner, two paint trays and a trash can. In the span of 3 weeks. And he spilled so much paint on a carpet we had to replace it, and he was supposed to be doing yard work, not painting an apartment. Fucking jackass.
Hahaha. Fuck me running.
Yeah, but I sware they were playing together in Reno. Closer to me nowadays;-) But now it doesn't look like it. Looks like only at Shoreline:-(
I'll know for sure in about a month.

Dude! How can you use that avatar??? Uh-oh, I'm starting to get that old feeling again...
