does anyone know wat strain my plants could be plz any help


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone will be able to pinpoint the exact strain. Looks indica dominant. And stretched more than armstrong.


Not sure if anyone will be able to pinpoint the exact strain. Looks indica dominant. And stretched more than armstrong.
this is my first proper grow so dont know much the buds smell really sweet reminds me of lemon kush


Well-Known Member
Yeah no one will be able to tell you for sure what you got looks hybrid more towards sativa to me the fan leaves aren't so big but are deff not 100% sativa.


Well-Known Member
cmon guys...we all had to start somewhere, poor cunt doesnt know whats up or down yet...give the kid a break? might one day outgrow all of us yet? never know...:idea:


thanks guys they dont smell unless u touch the buds with ya finger smells that sweet it tickles ur nose


Well-Known Member
When you have been growing for a few months you will realize that even with the same strain, there are so many different phenos that it is absolutely 100% impossible to know what strain it is without much much much more information.
The people taking "guesses" are just messing with you. It is like asking "how much will I yield" and you have a picture of a seedling.

Btw, 1 pound.