Need help diagnosing a few plants. Thanks guys

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
The first photo looks like a cal mag def, 2nd photo seems to be suffering from ph fluctuations wouldn't be worried about one leaf...and the last two seem to have too much potassium possibly? The last photo seems to have the beginning signs of N toxicity...hope this helps! May be able to determine more with your nutrient information as well as watering habits...


Well-Known Member
I top feed once every 2 weeks with roots organic uprising foundation. I water 2 Times a week with a ewc, seaweed, liquid squid, and molasses. And the rest just with water


Well-Known Member
I do not. I tested the oh before with the color type and it was between 6 and 7 which isn't bad for outdoor soil. I'm in ocean Forrest that's it