Happy Father's Day!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I know it is a made up holiday, but happy father's day anyway.

Fathers are important, and good ones should be honored. To all of you long suffering, hard working fathers I offer my congratulations.
i celebrate every father who does not imbue their children wit their horrible racism and hatred, so definitely not you two asshats.
I know it is a made up holiday, but happy father's day anyway.

Fathers are important, and good ones should be honored. To all of you long suffering, hard working fathers I offer my congratulations.
Thanks DD. You too.

Happy fathers day to you two gentleman. As I worked hard over the years I have always prayed for safety first then a successful fishing trip and to finish my prayer I would say for are children sake because they are counting on us more and more as time goes by. Anyway happy fathers day to all fathers.
Was a fair trade , unclebunks post for mine.

you still bitter, klanman?

all i said was that fathers like desert dude and tbone and nitro, who imbued their children with hateful racist ideology, do not deserve any accolades for their efforts.
you still bitter, klanman?

all i said was that fathers like desert dude and tbone and nitro, who imbued their children with hateful racist ideology, do not deserve any accolades for their efforts.
Not going to add the asshat part this time?
You know nothing about me son so leave the white supremacy the fuck out of it when you're talking about me.
You know nothing about me son so leave the white supremacy the fuck out of it when you're talking about me.

i know enough about you. i know you said this in regards to a "white appreciation day".

I'd spend the 20 bux or so in gas and tip the 10 percent discount back to that guy and I'd certainly shake his hand.

so we know you are all about that white pride.
i know enough about you. i know you said this in regards to a "white appreciation day".

so we know you are all about that white pride.
I am about being proud that I'm white just like your proud of being what the fuck ever you are. Get off it man,
To the rest of you that are capable of raising children and have done a decent job, belated fathers day congrats.
To the others that want nothing but free cheese and know nothing of raising a child get a clue.
I've made a living without running drugs to Kansas(or wherever pays, follow it east man). Colorado being sued by Kansas and two other states.
due to people like you .
What is it you've done that's so special son?
I've made a living without running drugs to Kansas(or wherever pays, follow it east man). Colorado being sued by Kansas and two other states.
due to people like you .
What is it you've done that's so special son?

i do a lot of stuff.

why are you proud of your skin color?

you know that you have white pride in common with the KKK, right?
i do a lot of stuff.

why are you proud of your skin color?

you know that you have white pride in common with the KKK, right?
Your daddy (or you) have me throttled again for speaking the truth so I'll give you one answer and then I'm the fuck out of this circus again for awhile.
I believe every race should be proud of their ancestry/heritage no matter what that is and if they are and it differs from mine that's fine.
You use the words racist and bigot and coward a lot.
Personally I think you're all of the above.
Have a nice day.
I believe every race should be proud of their ancestry/heritage no matter what

so white peopel should be as proud of subjugating blacks, natives, hispanics, and gays as those groups should be about surviving their persecution at the hands of whites?
Your daddy (or you) have me throttled again for speaking the truth so I'll give you one answer and then I'm the fuck out of this circus again for awhile.
I believe every race should be proud of their ancestry/heritage no matter what that is and if they are and it differs from mine that's fine.
You use the words racist and bigot and coward a lot.
Personally I think you're all of the above.
Have a nice day.

Hey dbkick.

I believe this post is the second one today I have agreed with totally , good post db.