Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years

If this thread is any indication, your point is well made...

a company i once worked for sold cheap chinese made dirtbikes and ATVs and whatnot at canadian tire stores (canada's cute little hoser version of home depot). compared to our american customers, canadians were vicious, vicious people.

a former boss of mine moved to kelowna for a few years, which is the cannabis grow capital of the nation. and they were even a bunch of dicks in that town. she now lives in LA where she says the people are much nicer. holy shit!

canadians are by and large pretty impolite, angry people.
most inefficient fucking people ever customer service here is TERRIBLE but i wouldnt say we as a country are impolite,
im a very polite person and most people i run into are polite,

people are people and lots of people are vicious angry people

I think Darth proved that really well.
canadians are by and large pretty impolite, angry people.
I think Darth proved that really well.
Is Darth the new Canadian representative?

You guys are SILLY.

Not all Canadians are the same. Not all Americans are the same.

Every single person in the world is different, than every other person in the world.

You kids like to generalize people too much. You shouldn't do that. Not very Neighbourly of ya!

Who in the balls said anything about excess? Consuming ANYTHING in excess can be total shit for you.

I have maple syrup, less than once a month. I don't like that fake-ass Aunt Jemima shit - I like real maple syrup. Because it's fucking delicious.

Who fucking consumes NO sugar? No Fucking fun if you ask me.

Just everything in moderation.

lol i partake in the consumption of aunt jemima, only syrup i've tried
hey we don't talk funny, we think you mainlanders talk funny (ontario people) lol
Newfies sound like Pikeys, some of them. Worked with a bunch of Newfs in Alberta, they are all over the oil field. Some I could understand just fine. This one older woman I needed a fucking interpreter.

Im NORTH Ontario. Not to be confused with the busting metropolis of southern ontario. Northerners tend to be kinda nice.



There's fucking d-bags everywhere though. They have really invaded all parts of the world.

Too bad we can round 'em all up and burn them in a gas-filled shower. Hilter may have been on to something, he just picked the wrong peoples. Should have killed off the douche bags.
