Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years

Canadians aren't much different from Americans ya know, if you visited here and went to a bar i guarantee you'd have a good time and your opinion would change

cops be watchin me like a shit hawk, coke n b&e bullshit, as soon as i try to grow i'd be locked for a few years i know it, i'm 20 gonna be 21 in 2 months, i got 40 years yet, i'll grow the fine herb one day mark my words

so gangsta.
People mistakenly have the idea that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow different from “other” sugars, so they go ahead and load up on raw cane sugar, syrup, honey, or agave and aren’t worried about dumping it in everything they drink or eat.

The problem is that, metabolically, they’re basically the same in your body.

Don’t fall into the trap thinking that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow better for you. Consuming sugar (of any kind) in excess is one of the main players in weight gain, heart disease and diabetes which then dramatically raises your risk of dying from everything else – like cancer.

Fuck Maple Syrup!
Who in the balls said anything about excess? Consuming ANYTHING in excess can be total shit for you.

I have maple syrup, less than once a month. I don't like that fake-ass Aunt Jemima shit - I like real maple syrup. Because it's fucking delicious.

Who fucking consumes NO sugar? No Fucking fun if you ask me.

Just everything in moderation.
People mistakenly have the idea that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow different from “other” sugars, so they go ahead and load up on raw cane sugar, syrup, honey, or agave and aren’t worried about dumping it in everything they drink or eat.

The problem is that, metabolically, they’re basically the same in your body.

Don’t fall into the trap thinking that natural sweeteners and natural sugars are somehow better for you. Consuming sugar (of any kind) in excess is one of the main players in weight gain, heart disease and diabetes which then dramatically raises your risk of dying from everything else – like cancer.

Fuck Maple Syrup!
I told you I have the hook on good syrup.