The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
opium n anything is a must lol

i think thats the only way i could handle that scuba diving tho im not a fan of the water etc but nodding of me nut i think i could manage it lol

Z do you no a name or what to type into google to show get up a vid of them crazy fishermen who use just a generator n what looks like thin plastic tubing to dive with nets to catch, they often get the bends n shit i wanted to show some1 but i carnt find it?


Well-Known Member
only thing i wont try is H its a nono in my book i u se to sell the shit seen what it ddoes but yeah i love my opioid meds lol


Well-Known Member
theres a name for it i just carnt remember!

and ive seen you post a vid of it before, crazy lil nips diving with nowt but some plastic tubing running of a generator lol


Well-Known Member
yeah the more there is the more we seem to use, no restraint in this dug booze need prob cos the underlying shit driving the said need never goes away lol


Well-Known Member
watch this cunt

me mate use to drive like this, then he killed someone. Fucked him up worse then the 5 stretch he got.


Well-Known Member
ive had a few bits, spanish opium supposedly stolen from med fields over there bayer opium they called it, i thinks thats a company bayer something? that makes alot of the smack prescription pills, and a couple of bits from india.

the spanish stuff was stronger deffo but it all felt like weak smack imo anyway.


Well-Known Member
Heh I'd imagine its like a smack buzz but a bit cleaner? An old fella I used to work with worked in Singapore he said UB could get hash mixed with opium he said it was the bollocks lol


Well-Known Member
Heh I'd imagine its like a smack buzz but a bit cleaner? An old fella I used to work with worked in Singapore he said UB could get hash mixed with opium he said it was the bollocks lol
you can buy hash mixed with opium of ag mate, opium is just grades below the levels of turning it into smack lol opium/morhphine/smack on a very basic level yeah if its clean n good its a nice high but it will always be weak smack....