FF Ocean Forest & Nutes


Well-Known Member
Today is day 5 and of the 7 seedlings one of the Master K is not going to make it. This leaves me with 1 Masker K and 5 CH9 Mixed (all female).

I need to transplant from the rockwool to my 6 pots with Ocean Forest soil and my question to you all is when I should start nutes. I also decided to put some hydroton rocks around at the top around my plants.

Im have the floramicro, floragrow, & florabloom GH nutes. I was going to do DWC but decided to do soil first to get some experience. Should I switch to other nutes for soil?

Thanks all


New Member
Yea I just bought foxfarm ocean forest soil. What kind of results do you see with that as well? Simply adding on to your question. I am going to start off with soil as well. however I have been told some of the best tasting stuff comes from soil.


Well-Known Member
Dont do ANY nutrients for at least 3-4 weeks of growth, then start with 1/4 strength nutes in your water every other watering, if they look good after a week of that, then go to 1/2 strength and so on..The soil will provide most of the nutrients the plant needs so there isn't any need to give it much. If you give it too much it will die fast.


Active Member
Today is day 5 and of the 7 seedlings one of the Master K is not going to make it. This leaves me with 1 Masker K and 5 CH9 Mixed (all female).

I need to transplant from the rockwool to my 6 pots with Ocean Forest soil and my question to you all is when I should start nutes. I also decided to put some hydroton rocks around at the top around my plants.

Im have the floramicro, floragrow, & florabloom GH nutes. I was going to do DWC but decided to do soil first to get some experience. Should I switch to other nutes for soil?

Thanks all
once u get ur set of leaves on ur plants i would give it 3-4 weeks before i start giving it nutes because the ff ocean forest mix is rich with nutrients already.... and 4 ur second question u dont have to change nutes u can stick with wat u got personally ive never used those nutes ive only used ff and advanced nutrients


Well-Known Member
at least 3-4 weeks, but probably quite a bit longer if you're transplanting seeds. that shit is hot.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys.

I just transplanted my plants into the ocean forest and watered with 5.9 ph corrected tap water. Ill have to keep the flor light on them until I get a 600w MH/HPS this Friday.

any advice?


Active Member
start nute regimine during the third week. i cant stress enought using the 1 gallon to 1/2 tsp of nutes. seriously it works all they way untill flowering. so pick up a bottle of grow big and tiger bloom.


Well-Known Member
start nute regimine during the third week. i cant stress enought using the 1 gallon to 1/2 tsp of nutes. seriously it works all they way untill flowering. so pick up a bottle of grow big and tiger bloom.
have you used OF? I guarantee if you nute seedlings in week three you will burn them. Unless by seedlings he means "full-grown plants". Even then, they won't need anything in week three.


Well-Known Member
looks good.

okay, so let me explain this to you. Some people don't like OF plain for seedlings OR smaller plants because it's so hot. I use Happy Frog cut 1/3 with perlite and don't need to feed until at least a few weeks, and it's much weaker in terms of nutes. Your plants will tell you when it's time for nutes until you have a regimen set up. Just because your plants don't burn on a particular regimen doesn't mean you're not overfeeding. More is not better. Moar is death. Way too common noob mistake.

Where in ptown are you? I'll be moving back in a few months. Boy I miss it.


Well-Known Member
im in ptown. :)

so from what you all said in this thread, I shouldnt do any nutes until I flower.


Well-Known Member
depending on how big they are, Ill probably veg for 4 weeks. As you can see my pics, how long should I wait until I start veg (18/6)? Right now the lights are on 24/7.
I read when the plants foilage start producing fast is when the veg stage starts.


Well-Known Member
It's in veg from the second it pops out of the soil. Run 18/6 or 24/7, whichever you prefer for the entire time.

I wouldn't set a time for how long you veg. I would set a target height, based on when you want to harvest, how much you want to harvest, or what your space limitations are.


Well-Known Member
Im in a 4 x 4 x 6.5 grow tent.
Ill turn the lights to 18/6 when I get my 600w MH up and running this Friday.