What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?



Go get your own thread! :p

Anyways. Sorry I missed everything in the furor. Orange is the new Black day today :) (and I'm a girl, btw).

>>>I'm witnessing some heavy reaction to something that was put on the leaves; a very bad mite infestation, and a completely under nourished set of plants tbh . . . .

Yeah that sounds about right.

When where they last fed? Three weeks ago.
What is the PH of what you are feeding and watering them? Feeding pH I don't check often - it's usually low, around 5.x. Watering I keep around 6.5.
What have you folia sprayed recently, apart from the soap? No nutrients, no. I sprayed with iso after the bugs though.
Room temps at night and during peak lights on. Room temps are around 27C during the day. Not sure of at night - should be around 20C.
Your chosen medium: Soil, with about 50% perlite/15% verm.
Your nutrient line up: General Hydroponics
The EC and PH of your tap water, if that's what you are using: I don't actually have any way of checking EC. I knew I shoulda got that fancy pH meter that does both :/ My tap water pH is high - usually around 7.4 or so.

Although - my water is tea coloured too, after overfeeding them a few times before.


Well-Known Member
Hey sister . . . . . ..

Come on . . . . .more info please . . . . . . NPK n the likes . . . .
Or the individual names of the products you're using . . . . .



Your nutrient line up: General Hydroponics



I'm using Technaflora starter kit. I follow the instructions:

All values per 1gal:

BC Boost: 3/0/2 -15ml
BC Bloom: 1/4/7 - 15ml
Awesome Blossom: 2/11/11 - 2.5ml
Thrive Alive Red: 1/1/1 - 2.5ml
Sugar Daddy: 0/0/0 - 2.5
Magical: 2/0/0 - 12.5


Well-Known Member
So just water for three weeks, correct???

PH'd, you think, ish, kinda in the region of 5. something ???? Then watering at 150 times more base than the feed . . . . ??

The feeds and the water need to be a constant 6.3.to 6.7, not outside, in soil . . . . .

The babies do not know what to do . . . . . . .you know, if the fluid passing the roots is under 5. something or rather, it will just be ignored as the roots/biology can not "see" the nutrient, as it's at the wrong PH . . . . . "frequency of light" if you were a blind person . . . .

So first thing is first . . . .ignore the labels on the bottles, except to use them as reference whilst you halve maybe quarter the doses advertised . . . .

EVERYTHING, I do mean everything, that passes the root ball, in soil, should be PHd to at least 6.3 but not over 6.8 . . . . . . . you can not care about nutrient PH, or water PH and not give two hoots about the other, optimal growth comes from the correct PH'd water and feeds . . . . plus all the other things like enviro etc . . . . .

:) x




Well-Known Member
Your next mission is to make up enough water and quarter strength feed to flush those babies . . . .

You have 5 gallon fabric containers x4 ??? How ever many, you need to make up 15 gallons per pot . . . . .. as said, with a quarter strength solution, at, STRICTLY, 6,6PH to try to raise the PH of the soil . . . .. yes you will have 10 gallons of run of per plant . . . . dump it . . . .. they'll be okay with that much water . . .



Yes, just water for three weeks.

I water my flowering plants very consistently in the 6.5 range. I'll never do any less than 6.2 or any more than 6.7.

It's true though that sometimes I'm lazy and vary by a bit. But not much, and not often.

So, what you're saying is, I should only add nutes until I hit that 6.5 range, and then stop, no matter what?

Is that what pH Up is for?

I'm sorry, I'm a noob. :/


Well-Known Member
What ever you are giving them, how ever you get there . . . . .make it all 6.3 to 6.7 . . . .

Yes, that is why PH up AND down is with us, so we can adjust our water AND our feeds to the optimal PH range for soil . . . .

Mix your feeds first, THEN check and adjust PH . . . . . . the solution you end up with, be it feed or just water HAS to be within 6.3 to 6.8PH . . . . :)

If it's water, you're prob gonna use PH down . . . . .if you've mixed a feed, you'll prob need a bit of PH up . . . . . . .

CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH . . . .DON'T BE LAZY WITH PH, OR SHE'LL (the plant) BE LAZY WITH YOU!!! And boy are you witnessing it!!




Ahhhhhhhhhhhh very interesting!

Oh, I see, I see! This is very helpful news.

I will water them again tomorrow. 6.5. :)

What do you think about feeding? Or is it too late? They've been flowering for over a month now - first tiny buds showed at 5/9 (now that I've checked my photos).

Silky T

Well-Known Member

Go get your own thread! :p

Anyways. Sorry I missed everything in the furor. Orange is the new Black day today :) (and I'm a girl, btw).

>>>I'm witnessing some heavy reaction to something that was put on the leaves; a very bad mite infestation, and a completely under nourished set of plants tbh . . . .

Yeah that sounds about right.

When where they last fed? Three weeks ago.
What is the PH of what you are feeding and watering them? Feeding pH I don't check often - it's usually low, around 5.x. Watering I keep around 6.5.
What have you folia sprayed recently, apart from the soap? No nutrients, no. I sprayed with iso after the bugs though.
Room temps at night and during peak lights on. Room temps are around 27C during the day. Not sure of at night - should be around 20C.
Your chosen medium: Soil, with about 50% perlite/15% verm.
Your nutrient line up: General Hydroponics
The EC and PH of your tap water, if that's what you are using: I don't actually have any way of checking EC. I knew I shoulda got that fancy pH meter that does both :/ My tap water pH is high - usually around 7.4 or so.

Although - my water is tea coloured too, after overfeeding them a few times before.
Sorry, I hijacked your thread. It's a good one, that's why. :clap:Am I correct that he is giving advice to two girls? I didn't know you were female too. Sorry I hijacked your thread, seems we're both having the same problem. Thanks for letting me share.(:
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Silky T

Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh very interesting!

Oh, I see, I see! This is very helpful news.

I will water them again tomorrow. 6.5. :)

What do you think about feeding? Or is it too late? They've been flowering for over a month now - first tiny buds showed at 5/9 (now that I've checked my photos).
Can we get photos? It sounds like you are close to my age (the plants) but my first buds didn't show until the first week of June and that's still all I have, "first tiny buds". Or maybe I'm looking at them so often that I don't see the change. Look at the one labeled buds June 17-2 in large format. I have lots of those but they've been there for two weeks and not doing anything else is seems like they just stopped. I'm hoping his suggestion of flushing helps. Good luck with yours too. Can we have pics?

