Random Jibber Jabber Thread

this one...

this is the one he's wondering about


I purposely avoided that one.

Seems every nip slip I get scolded like a bad little school girl.

It's ok if Great White or Rolli do it, because they are my elders I imagine.

But when Sunni does it, I don;t know. Feels weird. Probably because I often picture her dressed up in a school girl outfit when she's doing it...

And what was I talking about? Oh yeah - school girls....

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.... aaaaaaaaa gotta stop smoking! too hot to smoke in summer in south spain! headspinning passout time! ..every summer I stop (then start again at harvest time LOL) - hoping this is gunna be easy-peasy-lemon-frickin-squeezy!
.... aaaaaaaaa gotta stop smoking! too hot to smoke in summer in south spain! headspinning passout time! ..every summer I stop (then start again at harvest time LOL) - hoping this is gunna be easy-peasy-lemon-frickin-squeezy!
Nice to see you beautiful! How it going?

Well "see" on here.

I'm not stalking you...I SWEAR.
my arm feels funny....

So, ladies...I have a platonic friend whom I've known for 17 years. Well I haven't seen her in years, and three days ago, she randomly texted me "What are you doing Right Now"...Turns out she was in town and wanted to have dinner. So I told my girlfriend what was going on, and went to have dinner with her.

Now let me be straight by saying she;s not interested in me. We're just friends...But after dinner she kept telling me how much she misses me and how she wants me to come up to visit her a few hundred miles away this weekend. Now let me give you a little back story. Since I first met her 17 years ago, she's been married and divorced twice, and has a child. She lives with her current ex, whom she proclaims hates her...She doesn't work, so he's supporting her and their child till she finishes school.

Anywho, apparently this weekend, her ex is taking their child somewhere for like 4 days, and it's during this time which she wants me to visit. I've explained this all to my current girlfriend, and she's totally understanding. She wants to go too, but has to work, and I even invited her to come with me for one of the days, and I'd fly her back so she could work the next day, but she declined.

So, I'm pretty much going to visit an old friend, who is amazingly beautiful, funny, smart, sexy, etc...

Should I not? I mean...I dunno...nothing is going to happen...But I don't know what to make of this situation. I've been wanting to go on a road trip anyway, and I figured this is an easy way to get away without having to spend too much on hotels. Frees up money for other stuff. Obviously I'd prefer to go on vacation with my GF, but she doesn't like taking time off work. I've been super bored because I'm laid up injured and on disability....

PS....I'll be in love with this girl for the rest of my life, never reciprocated.
Sounds like a set up. She lives with the ex who hates her, the ex conveniently takes the kid for a few days for a vacay. C'mon, this has been in a hundred movies: he hired a hitter to do her while he and the kid are gone. If you visit, you'll be framed and/or dead. Just a thought
Some of you might be able to appreciate this:

So besides being ADD I have a few smidgens of OCD in me. I'm cleaning up the cans the house and I counted them and finally found one more.

Which makes an EVEN 350 cans. I nearly came when I found that last little fucker.

That's all. Hahah
