The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
first it was dyna, now it's me? NO.
C'mon man you must be able to do better than that.
Sunni that said it was Dyna not me, I had a list of possibles in my head from the start and so far you are the only person on that list that is a) never online when medicunt is and b) the only person on the list that types anything remotely like medicunt, also you just conveniently keep turning up within half an hour of medicunt doing his stealth mode bollocks and disappear when he appears again, also you are the only person medicunt ever mentions by name(something similar with a lot of sock puppet accounts on here it seems) and we all know how you like typing ur gibberish paragraphs out( i think the last one i replied to with a pic of a bus drinking from a river).
Furthermore you are the only person on the list that seems to have the intelligence to keep something like this up this long, the other suspects would have easily slipped up by now and are too stupid/stoned to keep the continuity going

Oh and also yesterday you slipped up in another thread by using you abe account to say the now infamous "Hello collective", something ive only ever seen medicunt do to this day

Now im not saying its deffo 100% you but if i was a betting man i couldnt bring myself to pop down a wager on any of the other suspects tbh

my list originally in no particular order

Mr bumshine
Uncle fucking moron
or finally one of the current or past uk thread members

If it genuinely aint you ill hold my hands up n admit i made a mistake, but if im right in my guess i dont think you would own upto it if it was you lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
hey i like a mystery just as much as the next person and you do have some keen observations. i'll be along for the journey and try to not make toomuch of a nuisance of myself, but no promises. im a joker, but not a liar.


Well-Known Member
hey i like a mystery just as much as the next person and you do have some keen observations. i'll be along for the journey and try to not make toomuch of a nuisance of myself, but no promises. im a joker, but not a liar.
At least you admitted it thank you

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Oh and also yesterday you slipped up in another thread by using you abe account to say the now infamous "Hello collective", something ive only ever seen medicunt do to this day
naw man, just playin off your friendly neighborhood knob jockey, it wasn't a slip. I also happen like the whole "collective" mentality, only the term reprobates does have a certain charm to it. 5:00 am time to sleep.


Well-Known Member
so this gavita seems to work well, exo very swollen for 6 weeks and they are taking 6ml/l plus pk booster, last week I can really step on the fukkers nute wise, got it 30 inches above the canopy on 1150 with ext air cooled canopy top, very nice indeed, no good if u have any heat issues tho its a hot bastard


Well-Known Member
Relax where do u get ur mbbs at m8? What thickness ones do the job? Need to get mesel some for the next week or two
I get em off ebay the 5.1(thickest) but I think ice had found a cheaper source n I'd found a factory that sold em cheap ages ago but dunno where they're at now sorry man