Rachel Dolezal


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to root for this gaI...the more she stands up an says shes BIack...yes she Iook white in the past...so what ,some guys have a penis yet they cIaim they are reaIIy femaIe.,,,,..I say go girI go....its whats U think U are......correct ?
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I feel the same about these UK chics -



I'm starting to root for this gaI...the more she stands up an says shes BIack...yes she Iook white in the past...so what ,some guys have a penis yet they cIaim they are reaIIy femaIe.,,,,..I say go girI go....its whats U think U are......correct ?
im with u. shes not the stereotypical "wanna be be black" . this chick has actually embraced the culture and i believe in her heart she believes shes black. i cant be mad at her for that. shes blacker than me
She seems to only play the race card when it suits her. She sued Howard University for discriminating against her b/c she was white. So I guess back then it suited her to be white. She is a sociopath. She's in legal disputes with her bio family accusing one of her sibs of sexual abuse against another family member. She is under investigation for fraud, (years ago she claimed harassment and hate crimes against her when swastikas were found at her desk or door of her workplace, as well as suspicious packages containing hate propaganda w/ no postmark).

Google her interview w/ Matt Lauer this morning. Also read up on all her past shit. She's a dirtbag.
if she has any black ancestry at all (and most people do), then she can claim she's black all she wants.

the only people blowing this story up or caring too much about it though are racist shitheads.
But if we let people self describe as whatever the fuck they want whenever they want it sort of ends affirmative action, native fishing and hunting rights, etc..

I wonder if she does her own hair or had her hairdresser sign an NDA.
if she has any black ancestry at all (and most people do), then she can claim she's black all she wants.

the only people blowing this story up or caring too much about it though are racist shitheads.
I don't care what color she claims to be, but don't use or misuse it to suit your whim. I really don't care too much about this story other than the fact that it's fucked up if she hurt people. If she did legitimate work for the NAACP and good came out of that then great.
why not?

white people do it all the time. it's pretty much the whole point of being white.
I don't like it when ANY color does it.

I did find it interesting that a side debate came out of this: Trans racial (like the Bruce Jenner thing) people can choose to be whatever race they want. Listened to a lot of commentary about it today from many perspectives.

I think the only take away from this whole story is that Rachel seems to be lying about a lot of things, not just her origins.
what about "passable blacks" that used to live their lives as white for the privileges it brought? AKA the original american transracials.
Yes,, yes, good point. But I don't wanna go toe to toe with you right now :bigjoint:I'm not up for it. (just getting over flu). Can we talk about your stair building instead?
I don't like it when ANY color does it.

I did find it interesting that a side debate came out of this: Trans racial (like the Bruce Jenner thing) people can choose to be whatever race they want. Listened to a lot of commentary about it today from many perspectives.

I think the only take away from this whole story is that Rachel seems to be lying about a lot of things, not just her origins.
I think she's a bit of a whacko, but not national news.

Does anybody else think that she looks like Maeby Fünke from Arrested Development?


her father was blue


Sorry Ali.
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Yes,, yes, good point. But I don't wanna go toe to toe with you right now :bigjoint:I'm not up for it. (just getting over flu). Can we talk about your stair building instead?

even i have to compliment myself on that counterexample.

all credit goes to NPR though.
even i have to compliment myself on that counterexample.

all credit goes to NPR though.

It is a very good point, but her "passing" for black- how was she in any danger or disadvantage being white? Blacks passing for whites (when you gave that example) made me think of during the Jim Crow laws when in some parts being black was dangerous. I can understand trying to pass for white in that circumstance. But was her motive safety? No, she just felt she identified with being a black woman. No harm in that I guess, but it's one thing to do it when you are trying to just live and be safe, and another when you want to file a harassment lawsuit.

IDK, now I'm digging a hole. LOL. I should;ve just liked your post and gone to bed. Maybe that's not what you even meant.
It is a very good point, but her "passing" for black- how was she in any danger or disadvantage being white? Blacks passing for whites (when you gave that example) made me think of during the Jim Crow laws when in some parts being black was dangerous. I can understand trying to pass for white in that circumstance. But was her motive safety? No, she just felt she identified with being a black woman. No harm in that I guess, but it's one thing to do it when you are trying to just live and be safe, and another when you want to file a harassment lawsuit.

IDK, now I'm digging a hole. LOL. I should;ve just liked your post and gone to bed. Maybe that's not what you even meant.

i have massive respect for agitators like her.

if i was born 70 years ago, i'd be an even bigger race agitator than i am now, and wear the badge proudly.

a few days before his death in 1895, a young man asked frederick douglass what he should do with his life. douglass responded "agitate, agitate, agitate".

at least that's how the story goes according to ken burns in his documentary "the west". yes, it's trim time.
i have massive respect for agitators like her.

if i was born 70 years ago, i'd be an even bigger race agitator than i am now, and wear the badge proudly.

a few days before his death in 1895, a young man asked frederick douglass what he should do with his life. douglass responded "agitate, agitate, agitate".

at least that's how the story goes according to ken burns in his documentary "the west". yes, it's trim time.
I love anything by Ken Burns.