Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

Actually going to be spreading 6 300 gallon smart pots tomorrow, we'll see how my little 16 hp ford does it. I set up boards underneath as tracks to help facilitate the sliding, I was just going to strap them to the bucket, but lucked out and found some attachable forks. The rental place I used to use has a walk behind skid steer that is also pretty slick, for like 200 bucks for a day you can make a sweet pad.
Actually going to be spreading 6 300 gallon smart pots tomorrow, we'll see how my little 16 hp ford does it. I set up boards underneath as tracks to help facilitate the sliding, I was just going to strap them to the bucket, but lucked out and found some attachable forks. The rental place I used to use has a walk behind skid steer that is also pretty slick, for like 200 bucks for a day you can make a sweet pad.

i am filling some 1 yard (250 gallon or so right?) containers and brother i cant imagine moving
I'm using 707 in 10 gal short black pots . Always managed to get huge every year . I have a mercury og clone that pollenated a Blackwater clone . Ended up with about 50 seeds out 8 oz. I'm using this seed this year and it looks just like the mother . Here is a nug. This my friend grew outside from these seeds I have .


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yea, the gogi, cheese, wet dreams, and dog are all simply loving life. I swear every time I go out there they are noticeably bigger. the cherry pie and sour cherry are slow right now, they are gradually adjusting, but since they were smallest plants and smallest pots, I suspect that is the root of the issue.
finally got the final pieces needed so both carports are fully framed. Picking up shade cloth and the top for the second carport tomorrow. Got the fabric tacked down with some tent spikes. Going to pick up the smart pots, and get them moved over soon. Progress is getting made thats for sure!

In other news though, something big went traipsing thru the back 40, when it hit the brambles, it was not a happy camper, damn near scared the piss outta my girlfriend with all its shrieks and noises. She says and I quote, "Good news, you are getting a nice new shotgun tomorrow" lol.
finally got the final pieces needed so both carports are fully framed. Picking up shade cloth and the top for the second carport tomorrow. Got the fabric tacked down with some tent spikes. Going to pick up the smart pots, and get them moved over soon. Progress is getting made thats for sure!

In other news though, something big went traipsing thru the back 40, when it hit the brambles, it was not a happy camper, damn near scared the piss outta my girlfriend with all its shrieks and noises. She says and I quote, "Good news, you are getting a nice new shotgun tomorrow" lol.
Hell yes! Shot Gun! Get some 00/slug boar shot
nice! under over or side by side?
I would guess pump or auto. Side by side I had to find now days and over understood are pretty high. I want a over order with a custom stock. I am kind of handy with about any gun and want to shot competitively one day.
5 years even if it's your home residence? that's harsh. though in uk they can come and inspect your premises anytime, make sure your ammo is locked separate n stuff. guns and grows don't mix

Dr, I got hooked on shooting at a Christmas pheasant shoot. great fun and i love eating game.

I don't think auto's are even legal in the uk with a license lol.
5 years even if it's your home residence? that's harsh.

Dr, I got hooked on shooting at a Christmas pheasant shoot
I grew up shooting then went in the infantry at 18. I shot skeet towers with a 12g pump at 11 the first time. Gun was bigger than me and shot 23 out of 25. I will get my mom to email the pics. Funny shit:)

In Cali having a gun on your grow is an automatic 5 years....
That is bull shit. Last I checked the bill of rights didn't say shit about the right to keep and bear arms unless you grow your meds:(
quoted before i could get my edit in lol.

i'm probably no where near as good a shot but i'm not bad. 11 year old with a 12guage huh awesome childhood man. i was still wondering how girls worked and thinking about smoking lmao
Hell of a green house ya got Goin man :) looking nice. Yeah, guns and grows don't seem to mix, it's pretty much bs. Last I checked it's legal for drunken people to own and shoot as many guns as they want. Imo I'd trust a stoner much more with a gun.