You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

Omfg I cannot believe that happens!
pedophile ish totally! Sick n twisted crapola. Poor babies... im going to ask my jewish friend if his foreskin was sucked off! Hahaha just playin! On another note I'm all for circumcision. I just cant touch it if its not. It has to be pretty! Lmfao!

it's a holdover from the time when medical practices were primitive. hence why it's performed only by ultra orthodox jews, and not other sects of jews.

it's about as pedophilish as a mother giving her child a bath.
Hahah umm I have kids and I think it's a big difference between giving your kid a bath and letting a "Orthodox Jew" suck there foreskin off. Primitive holdover.... It's 2015... Sucking the foreskin off in our not so primitive time is twisted & unnecessary
However your intitled to your opinion/view as am I.
I'll leave it at that.

so you don't wash your kids private areas when they're young?
freedom of religion means more than just kicking gay people out of your store, skinhead rat.
Where does someone's sincerely held religious belief end? It seems like something like this example should be pretty obviously banned, even if it's someone "sincerely held religious belief", 2 kids have died from it and there have been 17 cases of STD transmission since 2005 (I believe the clip stated)

This is just an extreme example of how stupid I think the "it's my sincerely held religious belief!" argument actually is, let alone refusing goods/services to homosexuals
Where does someone's sincerely held religious belief end? It seems like something like this example should be pretty obviously banned, even if it's someone "sincerely held religious belief", 2 kids have died from it and there have been 17 cases of STD transmission since 2005 (I believe the clip stated)

This is just an extreme example of how stupid I think the "it's my sincerely held religious belief!" argument actually is, let alone refusing goods/services to homosexuals

it should be banned for the health concerns in my opinion, but this is about as deeply held a religious belief as you get. orthodox jews don't exactly fake their beliefs just so they can kick gays out of their stores, like "christians" do.
it should be banned for the health concerns in my opinion, but this is about as deeply held a religious belief as you get. orthodox jews don't exactly fake their beliefs just so they can kick gays out of their stores, like "christians" do.
I don't think Christians are faking their beliefs, maybe some are

Something like this shouldn't be allowed regardless of if it's a sincerely held religious belief, same as not treating someone equal in society because they're gay
1. My own kid, not a rabbi who performs fellatio on numerous children.

2. Has no actual benefit to the children and proven risks.

3. God isn't real.

the parents choose their rabbi, ir's not like orthodox rabbis are running wild doing this to random kids.

it's not fellatio either, so let's not use dishonest terminology like righties do.

the only difference, which you correctly identified, is the safety aspect. which is my only objection as well.