first grow, how does it look?

IMG_3569.jpg IMG_3571.jpg IMG_3570.jpg IMG_3572.jpg IMG_3573.jpg update, here are more pics of my girls at day 38 of flower, as you can see they are yellowing like crazy and don't seem to be putting on much weight. The past 2 weeks they haven't had any nutrients so I am starting them back on tiger bloom today, are these gonna be alright?
edit: can anyone tell me approx how long these are gonna need? The hairs are still mostly white and starting to curl back in toward the bud.
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High . . .

Difficult to really tell under the orange hue of a HPS.

Could you take them out of the tent and use white light to photograph them please? Can only diagnose a plant when you can see the true color of their leaves, if they're all a shade of orange, how can any of us tell ???? ;)

I'll give you a diagnosis, of sorts, coz something ain't quite right bro . . . . not a million clicks off, but a wee bit of tweekin praps, if yr prepared to lend me your ears . . . . :)

Will do, I am not at home now but I will post up more natural lighted pictures later on, I am certainly prepared to lend anyone my ears and appreciate all the help I have received so far!

Can you measure PH and EC?

When you do get back to your plants and you've got white light . . .
Need a good close up of your lower fan leaves. There shouldn't be yellowing like that this early on . . . . .
Will need your complete schedule too please . . . with the NPKs of everything you use :)

A very quick look . . . .Nitrogen deficiency is the biggest missing element ATM at a guess, will confirm ith white light photos . . . . A plant in a pot that size, should be a fair bit bigger after it's transition . . .

I thank yah !!
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The ph fluctuates but normally is about 6 for each of the babe's, what is ec? And what do you mean by schedule? When they went into flowering and how long I vegged or what nutrients I feed and when?
Thanks again!
Ok, PH fluctuations??? To what degree? :cry: Your "normally" wants to be 6.5ph, MJ starts to have a problem assimilating Phosphorous under 6.2/6.3ph in soil.

EC = Electrical Conductivity . . . the amount of ions (or what ever) in your water that can conduct electricity. THE STRENGTH OF YOUR FEEDS :)

Schedule; I guess all I need is to know what nutrient line you have and what their individual NPK ratios are . . . .

If you haven't fed em for two weeks, you're gonna need a good balanced feed with additional N imo . . . . will confirm with white pics . . . .

The ph fluctuates but normally is about 6 for each of the babe's, what is ec? And what do you mean by schedule? When they went into flowering and how long I vegged or what nutrients I feed and when?
Thanks again!
The highest the ph has been is 6.2 and the lowest was 5.9 but generally is at 6.
I have been using fox farms soil liquid fertilizer, first was big bloom and grow big but since I changed to flower back in early may it has been only tiger bloom which has ratios of 2 8 4. I will not have the whit light pics up until tomorrow morning, won't be home until after the lights are off and I don't wanna interrupt the dark cycle
Yeah . . . .PH too low in soil bro . . . . there's a start, Max acidity of water and feed in flower should ideally be 6.3.

2-8-4 . . . .yeahup, I'd be looking for some more K in my mix at this stage too. (as well as the additional N stated earlier) that's the 4 in the NPK numbers . . . .4% Potassium . . . . not enough, needs supplementing, specially as, some how lol, you've got through transition, with very little P :) . . . .phewwww!

What else do you have to feed those ladies? And what's your budget m friend? Anything in the kitty?

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Budget is no problem if you have something to suggest let me know and I'll pick it up ASAP!
I also have some grow big which is 6 4 4 perhaps I could use that as a nitrogen booster for a bit?

Edit: just purchased an ec meter online but it isn't scheduled to show up until next Thursday.
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Sweet . . . sorry but may I ask what $ did u spend on the EC meter ??

I need to know EC levels of your starting water and ending feed, AND your EC/PH of what ever comes out of the bottom after you feed or water first to be confident in my diag., but I'm inclined to say, what ever the label says on yr bottles/packets, half the dose of each mix em together (in water ;)), PH it to 6.3 to start (working up to 6.6 over the next few waterings/feeds.) and drench them, allow for 20% run off, get enough for a reading and let it sit in the rest till it's gone, gotta make sure were not gonna create any hot or cold dry spots . . . . ;)

Do you have liquid enzyme product and any fulvic/humic acid products???

Budget is no problem if you have something to suggest let me know and I'll pick it up ASAP!
I also have some grow big which is 6 4 4 perhaps I could use that as a nitrogen booster for a bit?

Edit: just purchased an ec meter online but it isn't scheduled to show up until next Thursday.
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HM per chance?? Alright if so . . . .

Yeah certainly I ordered it off Amazon for 60 bucks, I have no products other than the fox farm liquid soil nutrients, here is the link

So enzymatic concentrates?? You do NOT have then, same goes for a fulvic/humic product. Essential in soil from mid veg to late flowering, in my humble opinion!

Enzos break down matter in the root zone, including old roots that have died off; it happens, but it's natural, if we can get rid of this decaying matter quicker, with the help of Enzos, there will be more immediately available nutrient, from the digestion of the old matte rby the Enzos, AND room for more root growth and there fore canopy!!

Fulvic has a minuscule molucular weight and a charge that attracts nutrient molecules to it, the molecules, hitching a ride on the fulvic molecule pass through the root barrier far easier, and are transported around the plant far quicker.

Humic has a denser molecular weight, the are bigger molecules, so are useless at transportation, but what it does do, is add organic matte rto you depleting root ball, AND is one of the greatest natural chelaters on the planet. (It'll break down salts in the earth into ionic compounds that are then available for the smaller fulvic soldiers to do the transporting . . . .. . that's my take!!

Very much worth investing in . . . .

Wow you certainly know your stuff!!
So if I wanted to get some of this liquid enzyme and fulvic/ humic acid product what do you recommend? I will have to order it online as I have no store nearby to pick anything up.
Thanks a million again
edit: yes the meter is hm brand.
If Budget isn't an issue get these:

Enzos for diversity:
Hygrozyme, HBt's ProZyme AND Dutch Pro's Multi Total, use together, seperately, but combine them all in your grow!!

On a budget, just Multi Total.

GH Diamond Nectar or NPK Ind. Fulvic Up Take, AN G.Eggy's F1 (sorry guys)

AN G.Eggy's H2 (sorry again guys), GH Diamond Black

The best . . . .

Humic/Fulvic AND Ulmic Acid combination . . . . . BLACK JACK!!!! But from the UK, Growth Technology I think . . . .

OK I found hygrozyme, diamond nectar and diamond black but that's all I could find, couldn't find anywhere in canada to get the black jack for some reason they won't ship it here I checked 6 different websites, will I be ok if those items are all I get?
Black Jack . . .same as :( . . . . . I have about 300ml left . . . . .

Great, Hygro on it's own is awesome also . . . .

Genral H Fulvic and Humic . . . .they'll be perfect together . . . . .

Fulvic were gonna use only for the next week or two just to rush the repairs . . . .Humic used until the end of flowering, just before fruiting/ripening, you'll cut them out all together and start the starve :)

FULVIC - 2ML A QUART every single bit of fluid that passes that root ball.
HUMIC - 2ml GAL every single bit of fluid that passes that root ball.
Hygro - Full strength first watering . . . . . half strength every 1st water after you feed :)

There will be one fulvic/humic flush a week before harvest though, with molasses, shit, fuck whitt, dang it, I always forget the carbs, so think about unsulphured molasses asap too . . . . .sorry bro . . . .blazed on Strawberry Cough . . .. no Wembley . . . . jeeeeez I dunno / / / / :)


OK I found hygrozyme, diamond nectar and diamond black but that's all I could find, couldn't find anywhere in canada to get the black jack for some reason they won't ship it here I checked 6 different websites, will I be ok if those items are all I get?
OK it's actually grozyme I found and not hygrozyme, similar product? Sorry I am blazed as well haha. Unsulfured store molasses or is this special stuff?
ha ha . . .. yeah man, you're in Cananda . . . . .totally the same thing . . . .was relabelled for export I think . . . . you guys (Canada) probably came up with the best root cleanser known to man, other than proper soil inoculations . . . (we'll tread those boards another time sailor!! ;))
