1st timer 20 days of flower

No woes Lil, what don't you get pal?
Well what I have been doing is I have a trash can full of water that I keep ph at 6.0 .... my question is do I need to a just ph after I add my nutes to my water that was 6.0 before nutes.... And no I didn't get the fulvic/hymic .... I'm already like 5 or 6 grand into this grow.... my wife is Gona kill me if I keep buying.... if I dont really need it :) ..... but if u think I really need it tell me
Ok c cool, so in future, draw your water off and forget the PH until it's time to water or feed. Adjust your PH after you've mixed up :)

You'll be running out of a good mass of organic substance levels soon, especially as you have microbes in the mix now, they'll be breaking stuff down well quick, to keep the organo materials high, and to help chelate what's in your feeds and still in the soil, AND to transport it quicker around the plant . . . . Humic / Fulvic is a must . . . you're wife can thank you after your healthier, bigger harvest! :)

Well what I have been doing is I have a trash can full of water that I keep ph at 6.0 .... my question is do I need to a just ph after I add my nutes to my water that was 6.0 before nutes.... And no I didn't get the fulvic/hymic .... I'm already like 5 or 6 grand into this grow.... my wife is Gona kill me if I keep buying.... if I dont really need it :) ..... but if u think I really need it tell me
I currently use...

GO BioThrive
GO CalMag
GO BioRoot
GO BioWeed
GO BioMarine
GO Diamond Black

I always pH before and after
Cooool line up . . .

I've got BioRoot turning up. I also use GH little trio, in the little bottles: Bio Root, Bio Boost and Protector. (Protector foliar is brilliant, talk about a health boost!) Oh and I'm nearly out of Diamond Nectar, but it'll be replaced by Eggy's F1 for a trial . . . .

Can I ask please? Why do you bother checking your PH before, surely your tap is tap and will be exactly the same PH everytime ??? no ??? Sorry, I'm makling the presumption you are using tap :/

I currently use...

GO BioThrive
GO CalMag
GO BioRoot
GO BioWeed
GO BioMarine
GO Diamond Black

I always pH before and after

Hey @Lil green leaves can we get a picture of the little sugar leaves inside the plant, and perhaps some close up shots of the ends of some of your fans leaves please??

Be nice to check for any early symptoms of burn, etc.. . . . just in case . . . . .

I'm guessing, as you've been avoiding the questions pertaining to Electrical Conductivity, that you do not possess an EC meter ;) ????
Cooool line up . . .

I've got BioRoot turning up. I also use GH little trio, in the little bottles: Bio Root, Bio Boost and Protector. (Protector foliar is brilliant, talk about a health boost!) Oh and I'm nearly out of Diamond Nectar, but it'll be replaced by Eggy's F1 for a trial . . . .

Can I ask please? Why do you bother checking your PH before, surely your tap is tap and will be exactly the same PH everytime ??? no ??? Sorry, I'm makling the presumption you are using tap :/
Well my tap water is around 9.0 or so but I just check my garbage can before I water and set it to 6.0 but from now on I will check it after I mix nutes in witch I haven't been doing. And I don't have and EC meter....
Wow 9ph out of the tap . . . .

Ok I'd be very interested to see the results of what the final ph is after you mixed with fresh un ph'd water . . . .

Once you've mixed, post your PH value, out of interest mainly. When you've done that, I'll give you a PH to feed at :).

Could you also mix up 1gal of feed with some of your 6.0ph'd water in it and then take the final ph measurement and post it here, so we can get an idea of the range it's been getting . . . we DO NOT want to shock her with a massive PH swing, especially at these delicate transitional phases .. . . :)

Mannn this is exciting watching a fellow's plant thrive :)

Well my tap water is around 9.0 or so but I just check my garbage can before I water and set it to 6.0 but from now on I will check it after I mix nutes in witch I haven't been doing. And I don't have and EC meter....
Oh and I will get you some fresh pics when lights come on.... they will be under a hps ...... do you want me to get pics right before lights come on with my phone with a flash or are the pics fine with hps light?
An hour after lights on, when they're awake . . . .wanna see if there is any clawing on her sugar leaves . . . .

Oh and I will get you some fresh pics when lights come on.... they will be under a hps ...... do you want me to get pics right before lights come on with my phone with a flash or are the pics fine with hps light?

Quality, sound as, with 9.0 tap, you ain't gonna be needing PH up . . . lol

And I have been using this to lower ph.... I don't have any ph up ......

Bleeeugh, ok so we'll get a general (lol) idea of the ph . . . . I guess the wife would literally hang you if you bought a Bluelab PH meter at 80+ bucks :fire:

Ok so;

a reading from a gallon of nutrient, that has had its water PHd to 6.0 like you normally do.
a reading from your new 5 gal feed that has not had it's base water PHd at all

We need to know the difference between what it's been having and what it's goonna be getting, if it's more than 500 to 800 times difference (0.5 to 0.8PH) then we need to slide in the new regime gently with 0.3 to 0.5ph increments, including , obviously, the waterings/light feeds inbetween . . . .

Hear from you in a bit m man :)

I use this to check...
I'm having a stab here and reckoning you might have been feeding just outside the PH boundaries; most nutrient companies, GH inc. bias their nutrients to an acidic level as this is what our plants like :)

There's every chance you could have been feeding at the 5.5ph or somewhere in that region if you've been adding acidic nutrients to 6.0ph water, we'll see.

As I've said, very interested to see the two PH readings asap dude :)
I'm having a stab here and reckoning you might have been feeding just outside the PH boundaries; most nutrient companies, GH inc. bias their nutrients to an acidic level as this is what our plants like :)

There's every chance you could have been feeding at the 5.5ph or somewhere in that region if you've been adding acidic nutrients to 6.0ph water, we'll see.

As I've said, very interested to see the two PH readings asap dude :)
Ok I'll have to wait until I feed in about 7~8 hours away.... the girls are asleep right now
An hour after lights on, when they're awake . . . .wanna see if there is any clawing on her sugar leaves . . . .

Quality, sound as, with 9.0 tap, you ain't gonna be needing PH up . . . lol

Bleeeugh, ok so we'll get a general (lol) idea of the ph . . . . I guess the wife would literally hang you if you bought a Bluelab PH meter at 80+ bucks :fire:

Ok so;

a reading from a gallon of nutrient, that has had its water PHd to 6.0 like you normally do.
a reading from your new 5 gal feed that has not had it's base water PHd at all

We need to know the difference between what it's been having and what it's goonna be getting, if it's more than 500 to 800 times difference (0.5 to 0.8PH) then we need to slide in the new regime gently with 0.3 to 0.5ph increments, including , obviously, the waterings/light feeds inbetween . . . .

Hear from you in a bit m man :)
Yea really when I check my ph I make it yellow.... yellow can be some where around 6.0. ....... So I'll get a half ass reading
ooooooooofffffffff . . . . . wow, shows how resiliant your pheno of strawberry cough is though eh . . . .5.0 ph would kill many strains in soil after a shorter time . . . . . . .

Ok so we're getting to the bottom of it all buddy :) . . . . excessive nitrogen and perhaps P and K getting locked out a little. Nitrogen is more available than Phos. and Pot. at 5.0ph levels you see :)

So your next feed and a couple of waterings need to be 5.5 to 6.0 range, then after that up to 6.5 to 6.7, try to keep it there . . . . . a PH pen would make your life so much simpler.

Also, do you leave your feed out for an hour so the PH can settle for another reading before you feed? Dragging your tap from 9 down to 6.5 takes some doing, might be worth mixing up and testing it again after an hour's standing, just to make sure nothings changing after it hits the root zone . . . . :)

Well.... looks like they have been getting nutes fed to them at 5.0 ish......
ooooooooofffffffff . . . . . wow, shows how resiliant your pheno of strawberry cough is though eh . . . .5.0 ph would kill many strains in soil after a shorter time . . . . . . .

Ok so we're getting to the bottom of it all buddy :) . . . . excessive nitrogen and perhaps P and K getting locked out a little. Nitrogen is more available than Phos. and Pot. at 5.0ph levels you see :)

So your next feed and a couple of waterings need to be 5.5 to 6.0 range, then after that up to 6.5 to 6.7, try to keep it there . . . . . a PH pen would make your life so much simpler.

Also, do you leave your feed out for an hour so the PH can settle for another reading before you feed? Dragging your tap from 9 down to 6.5 takes some doing, might be worth mixing up and testing it again after an hour's standing, just to make sure nothings changing after it hits the root zone . . . . :)
Ok I just right now mixing up nutes and I'm giving enzymes and 2nd nute atm
Cooooool, all in one bucket together, mixed, then fed together yeah?

I'm a bit confused, you're giving just enzymes and your second nute now?