fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
My wife says "why can't we have plants like that, all big and bushy like that" when she first sees pictures of your plants... so now you gotta explain your methods so I can please my wife... :P


Well-Known Member
My wife says "why can't we have plants like that, all big and bushy like that" when she first sees pictures of your plants... so now you gotta explain your methods so I can please my wife... :P
Isn't that what this grow journal is for? lol

And yeah, I'm betting fdd's been out playing with his new toy :grin: Tearin it up I hope!


New Member
no matter how much i use my legs my back still takes a pounding big wakes are fun and killer at the sametime lol


New Member
wow u are a godfather of outdoor growing man!! those are crazy as hell mine are only a quarter the size of yours... im about to go sleep in a tent in the backyard because mine are blooming like crazy as well bongsmilie