Let's get drunk!!!

My all time favorites


Don't know why but this cheap beer tastes so damn goood.
We have a pretty limited variety of beer here, think i'm gonna get a 4 pck of 500 ml cans of harp lager at the liquar store the weekend try out "good beer" for once lol, 13$ for that here!
I have to go to a AA meeting because of the DUI that saved my life lol. I was rear ended on 3-4-2014 it broke my neck and jaw and had bleeding on the brain but l'm all good now and I'm drunk from Heineken beer only now no more Tequila

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where everybody at? @StonedFarmer @HoLE

got a bit of white rum left and a bit of dank ass weed lol

what's up? I been nursing my stomach, relapsed again to the needle. so been kinda busy trying to stay normal.

mdma tonight, rolling hard. fuck yes day program for drug treatment in 2 weeks. I gotta be sorta clean going in so i piss clean once and pass.

it's time outta my house and whatever fuck drugs right now.

drinking a sour beer, smoking blueberry crossed with something. i dont know but im pissed at a friend. calls me at 12 every fucking night,
been drinking since 2 pm yesterday, not sure. should pass out soon or atleast I hope.

ugh wouldn't be this drunk but brother called me over and left me in his room drinking. sad thing is this isn't drunk for me just mild buzz. 5galllons of 8% here I come!
What a LONG ASS fucking day! Just got home after 12 hours on the road.

Dear Corona:

I would suck your dick right now if I could. Instead, I will just lap up your bountiful seed.

I love you, Corona.
Feelin' a little tipsy... 2 picklebacks and halfway thru one of these:


^That shit is SO GOOD.
that's an amazing beer when fresh, drank a so many last time I was in the states, think I blacked out on the beach, stumbled my way home and had a few more beers that I won't remember.

lol love how cheap beer is there or well the variety atleast. me and my bro bought 72 beers and it lasted a few nights at most. not including what I walked around and drank at bars.

drinking an amazing raspberry imperial berliner. got a few more to go, then an imperial something and a large can of Modry yummy. eats more klonopin.
Fack so much drama mama, I needout.

passed out once already let's aim for blackout drunk now.

I'm fucked my lawyer said, they want me n prison for sure. o well lunch with my lawyer trw to discuss this case. god i love a sexy lawyer who lets me get drunk as we talk

anyways I'm hammered
Fack so much drama mama, I needout.

passed out once already let's aim for blackout drunk now.

I'm fucked my lawyer said, they want me n prison for sure. o well lunch with my lawyer trw to discuss this case. god i love a sexy lawyer who lets me get drunk as we talk

anyways I'm hammered

wha u getting locked up for