What a LONG ASS fucking day! Just got home after 12 hours on the road.
Dear Corona:
I would suck your dick right now if I could. Instead, I will just lap up your bountiful seed.
I love you, Corona.
Well, If you ever find me the human manifestation of the beer Corona (whether it be in a dream, or in a peyote trip) please let him know I would suck his dick like I was mad at it.Corona is made by @mr sunshine and his family in Meheeco.
that's an amazing beer when fresh, drank a so many last time I was in the states, think I blacked out on the beach, stumbled my way home and had a few more beers that I won't remember.Feelin' a little tipsy... 2 picklebacks and halfway thru one of these:
^That shit is SO GOOD.
Fack so much drama mama, I needout.
passed out once already let's aim for blackout drunk now.
I'm fucked my lawyer said, they want me n prison for sure. o well lunch with my lawyer trw to discuss this case. god i love a sexy lawyer who lets me get drunk as we talk
anyways I'm hammered