Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
And a real question. My 2 longest and most recent relationships-ex wife and this mexican chick..both liked to sleep holding my dick, is this normal?
For real though, serious question
Only if they REALLY like it...

Congrats on winning "number one friend".

I won that once. You need a good speech!


Well-Known Member
Im terrible at speaches though, i have bad anxiety.. Itll go one of 2 ways i figure
Ill be really fucked up and just make an ass of myself.
Or ill bore people to sleep and prolly seem like a spaz

I bet i can find one already done, pretty sure you can do that with your vows so why not. But then itll seem like it didnt come from me..
Im just gonna go with option 1. But i have some time


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhh motherfuckin bitch ass cuss words

Somehow i broke the metal window roller upper on my old school. The handle straight snapped in half wtf. Then i spilt my dr pepper on the seat, gotta get that shit to not stain

Time to smoke that joint i promissed young skywalker

Oh and i just got back from my drug test and shit too

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Yesterday Mrs. Goodson came home in a bad mood. Might've been because of work, she said something about me not listening to her enough. Idk, I really wasn't paying attention...

After a while I couldn't take it anymore so I said
"Look here woman! I'm about to shove my cock so far down your throat you'll be tasting ball sack for a week!"
That was the end of it, she laughed, I laughed, and then we smoked a few bowls. Everything was fine again in the Goodson household.

Later that evening I was thinking back on the situation and thought
"Heeeeeyyyyy?! What was sooooo funny about that? I was serious!"