Puck's fucked up freebie grow

Here's another indoor Strawberry blue, she shares a <20 gallon planter of notill rols with my Chinese heirloom. Here she is at ~day 35 of flower, about day 50 from germination. She's looking to yield about 2oz or more.IMAG0984.jpgIMAG0992.jpg IMAG0982.jpg
Only day 35???? She is a BEAST! When she finishes make sure you post a picture here for
me please. Great freakin' job!
The pictures aren't all on the same day, but the earliest one was day 33 I think, no earlier. I'll take another tonight if I remember, I'm on day 41 now. This strain is strange isn regards to its vigor and overall will to just grow lol.
I'll definitely take post harvest and trim pictures, I'm proud of this one.
I did hear a rumor that the male parent was a polyploid, and as such so is this. But that's all heresay and not even listed on the seed banks site that I got them from, soooo who knows.
The pictures aren't all on the same day, but the earliest one was day 33 I think, no earlier. I'll take another tonight if I remember, I'm on day 41 now. This strain is strange isn regards to its vigor and overall will to just grow lol.
I'll definitely take post harvest and trim pictures, I'm proud of this one.
I did hear a rumor that the male parent was a polyploid, and as such so is this. But that's all heresay and not even listed on the seed banks site that I got them from, soooo who knows.

I would really appreciate that, that thing has built a great platform for the buds to fill out
and thicken up. You never really can trust seedbanks with their advertising. I have learned
that by trial and error as I am sure you have.
Some cool chick in the indoor threads was doing a strawberry blue under a 600 i think scrogged...one of the best scrig setups ive ever seen for a light under 1000wts.
You may still find it its the best strawberry blue grow ive seen and it inspired me to run my free SB seed outdoors last year for a 6 oz return from.a 15 gallon smart pot
Some cool chick in the indoor threads was doing a strawberry blue under a 600 i think scrogged...one of the best scrig setups ive ever seen for a light under 1000wts.
You may still find it its the best strawberry blue grow ive seen and it inspired me to run my free SB seed outdoors last year for a 6 oz return from.a 15 gallon smart pot

That's a GREAT yield! I may re pot again into a 30 gallon pot after she get's established. I don't
know if you have any experience with this but it would be my 3rd re pot. I DO NOT want to stress
her out 'cause it's one of the 2 known females that I have. Any advice would of course be appreciated. Update tomorrow!
Honestly if u repot early enough to say get 4-6 weeks minimum more veg time in the 30 gallon i would say you could pull a lb if conditions etc go well :)
Honestly if u repot early enough to say get 4-6 weeks minimum more veg time in the 30 gallon i would say you could pull a lb if conditions etc go well :)

That would be great, looks like she is stretching out so I think I may re pot
at the end of the month. LOL I was thinking at first just putting the smaller
pot inside the larger and let the roots go through the drain holes. I am just
deathly afraid of the root ball falling apart and ripping the roots apart...
The NL/BB is struggling along with 2 Afghani's probably due to ph issues. I used organic
composted cow manure with no limestone yet. I have some calcified limestone I can put
on it. Really dangerous 'cause it's strong and releases quickly.
Heavy rain today THANK GOD! No appreciable rain for weeks here. The Strawberry Blue (bottom left)
is stretching and pushing out strong side branching. I love the stretch because the biggest
problem is mold during flowering and as much air flow between the nodes the better. The
other Afghani is a beast.... Hope it's a female! Happy growing!


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strawberry blue is great for stretch it really has long branches with the nugs separated well and plenty of airflow is able to get through
strawberry blue is great for stretch it really has long branches with the nugs separated well and plenty of airflow is able to get through
Might try and find you 3 or 4 pics of it a few weeks apart during my last grow let me know if u wanna see them no biggie if u dont
strawberry blue is great for stretch it really has long branches with the nugs separated well and plenty of airflow is able to get through

Thanks for the info Ruby, I just can't believe the side branching. They
are almost as tall as the top. Apparently apical dominance doesn't
apply here!
Might try and find you 3 or 4 pics of it a few weeks apart during my last grow let me know if u wanna see them no biggie if u dont

Absolutely! Please, if anyone would like to post pics of the variety's I'm going
with or anything else they have be my guest! May give me ideas for next years
Finally got out to my spot yesterday and fed them with Neptune's Harvest 3-4-2 hydro
fish fert. Also put a little bit of calcified limestone in the water and shook it up. They are looking
pale except for the big Afghani. Hopefully just a small p.h problem. Unfortunately the soil
was pretty moist already and we're looking at the remnants of Bill coming tomorrow...
1. Strawberry/Blue
2. Afgani reg.
3. BB/NL
4. Afghani reg.
5. big Afghani reg.

Thanks for checking in!


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