Looking to add side lighting


Well-Known Member
Im currently running 4 plants in a 4x8 tent, which are all tied down filling the tent. Im using 2 1000 watt hoods, and im looking to get some lighting on the sides.

It cant produce too much heat. Any suggestions would be fantastic


My Input would be led lights for the side, heat gave off is low and depending on which watt you get very cheap on your light bill. Plus some can go flush to the wall also. I heard clf lights dont give off major heat like as hps and mh bulbs, I personally never used clf but hey just passing info


Well-Known Member
My Input would be led lights for the side, heat gave off is low and depending on which watt you get very cheap on your light bill. Plus some can go flush to the wall also. I heard clf lights dont give off major heat like as hps and mh bulbs, I personally never used clf but hey just passing info
Could you recommend a brand for me? I have never ran LEDs, preferably one that can plug into a wall


Well-Known Member
Im currently running 4 plants in a 4x8 tent, which are all tied down filling the tent. Im using 2 1000 watt hoods, and im looking to get some lighting on the sides.

It cant produce too much heat. Any suggestions would be fantastic
T5's would be my choice, cheap, good spectrum and not too much heat. But if you want to go drop a bunch of coin on leds for some side lighting... your choice, to each his own.


Well-Known Member
You can get a good four foot long 8 bulb T5 HO fixture with bulbs for about 200-300, and it makes for some good growth. Im using one on its own for this run, and its growing a super busy White Widow. Penetration isnt amazing though, and it can put out some heat. I have an oscillating fan in the room, and thats enough on its own to keep the plants happy about three inches from the light.


Well-Known Member
T5's... I noticed at the hydro store that they have individual 4ft ballasts for cheap. They can be daisy chained also. Very flexible and useful to have around. This is probably your best and most cost effective solution... LED won't really save you any electricity. You'll still need approximately the same amount of watts of LED as you would any other bulb. Good LED's will cost a lot, but you could save on heat.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ah, did anyone notice that the OP said 2 1K lights in a 4x8 !!!

Can you say overkill!!!! 2 600's MAX for that....

MM plant's have a light saturation point....surprisingly early in the day! From that point on, the plant begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light. Increasing Co2 will increase the plants use of light, but again it will reach a saturation point and the cellular change comes into play.....Night time is when the plant reverts on the cellular level to daytime needs. Sort of a "healing" period....

NO amount of side lighting will help you at all!
Oh wait, you are looking for bigger popcorn buds I'll bet!
Won't help that either!





@jkwrestling13 DUDE, you're shooting yourself in the wallet with that amount of HID lighting!

Lighting is not your answer, it has become your problem!



Well-Known Member
Ah, did anyone notice that the OP said 2 1K lights in a 4x8 !!!

Can you say overkill!!!! 2 600's MAX for that....

MM plant's have a light saturation point....surprisingly early in the day! From that point on, the plant begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light. Increasing Co2 will increase the plants use of light, but again it will reach a saturation point and the cellular change comes into play.....Night time is when the plant reverts on the cellular level to daytime needs. Sort of a "healing" period....

NO amount of side lighting will help you at all!
Oh wait, you are looking for bigger popcorn buds I'll bet!
Won't help that either!





@jkwrestling13 DUDE, you're shooting yourself in the wallet with that amount of HID lighting!

Lighting is not your answer, it has become your problem!

Yes I have come to learn that very very quickly. This is the hottest day of the year so far and I cannot keepup with the heat running both the lights. I took one light down and now am only running one 1000 watt over all four plants. They are so big its impossible to have all 4 even remotely under, so I took down one of the lights, and it is staying off. Now would it be a good idea to add some side lighting? The temps are down to 79 and I am running co2.


Well-Known Member
You poor boy- someone comes along yelling some 'advice' at the top of his virtual lungs and you just jump on it without doing your homework first?

A thouie over 16 ft² is not overkill, it's industry standard. If you can't keep it cool, that's the fault of your cooling system or lack thereof, not the lights. Two thousand watt lights in two sealed and vented speed pattern hoods in a tent with good reflective walls should both kick ass and be controllable.

You running sealed and vented hoods? If not, get some and then place your fan downstream and suck air through them to cool the fixtures. If your room is sealed, draw intake air from outside if it. If not, then draw it from the warmest part of the tent- near the top.

Swamp cooling may not be needed if your plants are producing enough humidity (they should be or something else is wrong). What kind of climate control do you use? Active cooling of some kind is necessary, be it ventilation, AC or whatever.


Well-Known Member
You poor boy- someone comes along yelling some 'advice' at the top of his virtual lungs and you just jump on it without doing your homework first?

A thouie over 16 ft² is not overkill, it's industry standard. If you can't keep it cool, that's the fault of your cooling system or lack thereof, not the lights. Two thousand watt lights in two sealed and vented speed pattern hoods in a tent with good reflective walls should both kick ass and be controllable.

You running sealed and vented hoods? If not, get some and then place your fan downstream and suck air through them to cool the fixtures. If your room is sealed, draw intake air from outside if it. If not, then draw it from the warmest part of the tent- near the top.

Swamp cooling may not be needed if your plants are producing enough humidity (they should be or something else is wrong). What kind of climate control do you use? Active cooling of some kind is necessary, be it ventilation, AC or whatever.
I took it down for now because was too hot. I could not get it cooled down. I have an window ac outside the tent, which needs to be upgraded. I'm thinking of cutting a hole in the tent to put the ac actually inside of it. I have a 435 cfm fan and phresh filter connected to the sealed lights taking air out the top of the tent and into the basement. Im thinking i need to uprade either the ac system or the fan. Im not too sure. The temp was out of control around 89, i got it down to 79 for the time being by removing the second lights.

Im also running co2


Well-Known Member
Ah, did anyone notice that the OP said 2 1K lights in a 4x8 !!!

Can you say overkill!!!! 2 600's MAX for that....

MM plant's have a light saturation point....surprisingly early in the day!
From that point on,
the plant begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light.

would this hold true for outdoors/sunshine as well?


Well-Known Member
I took it down for now because was too hot. I could not get it cooled down. I have an window ac outside the tent, which needs to be upgraded. I'm thinking of cutting a hole in the tent to put the ac actually inside of it. I have a 435 cfm fan and phresh filter connected to the sealed lights taking air out the top of the tent and into the basement. Im thinking i need to uprade either the ac system or the fan. Im not too sure. The temp was out of control around 89, i got it down to 79 for the time being by removing the second lights.

Im also running co2
You need to pull air from outside your room thru the lights and then back out of the room. The AC can then take up the slack. Having the AC exhaust hot air outside the room is more important than having it blow cool air into the tent- but see if you can pull off both? If you are exhausting room air, you're basically wasting CO².


Well-Known Member
You need to pull air from outside your room thru the lights and then back out of the room. The AC can then take up the slack. Having the AC exhaust hot air outside the room is more important than having it blow cool air into the tent- but see if you can pull off both? If you are exhausting room air, you're basically wasting CO².
I did try that, but it got too hot. I think my problem is the ac is not in the tent. How would i run a carbon filter if its not exhausting?


Well-Known Member
You need to pull air from outside your room thru the lights and then back out of the room. The AC can then take up the slack. Having the AC exhaust hot air outside the room is more important than having it blow cool air into the tent- but see if you can pull off both? If you are exhausting room air, you're basically wasting CO².
I do get what you're saying and it makes sense. I need to aircool the room with air from outside the tent, then push that through the sealed lights. Then to scrub the air I could have the phresh filter on the ground with a fan scrubbing the air inside the tent, correct?


Well-Known Member
I did try that, but it got too hot. I think my problem is the ac is not in the tent. How would i run a carbon filter if its not exhausting?
Run the cabon filter outside of the room. Mine just sits in middle of the basement running all the time. Probably not the most ideal, or effecient, but it keeps the ordors down. It doesn't have to be in, or pull from inside, the room.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
would this hold true for outdoors/sunshine as well?
Yes, very much so!
On hot summer sunny days,,,,,are you ready for this.....The change at the cellular level begins around 11:00 to 11:30 daily....Now don't get me wrong,,,,The plant is still photosynthesising, but much of it's energy is being used by the plant change and by the plant protecting it's self from the heat..

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
1K per any 4x4 area is overkill........spectrum over intensity as long as enough is supplied (light)....

Did Mr stikk even read the linked posts or are you going by green house standards or some MM growing bible as, what "Industry standards" are we going by? More is not always better. You seem to not understand how the plant reacts to lighting through out the day or "lights on" time.
Jorge Cervates did some of the best lighting research on MM and Ed Rosenthal did some interesting lighting studies on PAR and Pfr spectrum use by plants (MM). Have you researched any of these?
I use 1K's and in a chain, each designed to cover a 6x6 overlapping area. So then, in a 12x24 there are 8 lights covering that area. I run it all. Indicas, Sativa's and cross's. I have absolutely no problems with even Landrace Sativa's as far as light intensity goes! Why would I or anyone else need 12 1K's in that space to supply lighting intensity? Have you ever been in a commercial grow of warehouse size? The 6x6 footprint is their standard! Some do a larger footprint...

Wait! I got one for you....
Look at Mr Goodsons post.....See that? NICE plants eh? Vegged with T5's and finished with 150w of HPS.
Lets do some math here.....2x2 area, 150w HPS x 4 = 600w in a 4x4 area! Huh, wasn't that what I suggested?
You might consider some side lighting for full house landrace Sativa's with 600w in that space, but that would be strain dependent....

Look ttystikk, I mean no insult!
I did not "yell" above and I am not "yelling" now.....
I think you have some very good skill's.
But 2 1K's in a 4x8 area is overkill!!!!

His heat problems aside....he does not, and will not ever,,,need that much lighting in that area....Why put so much extra $ into the utilities pocket?


Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Ah, did anyone notice that the OP said 2 1K lights in a 4x8 !!!

Can you say overkill!!!! 2 600's MAX for that....

MM plant's have a light saturation point....surprisingly early in the day! From that point on, the plant begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light. Increasing Co2 will increase the plants use of light, but again it will reach a saturation point and the cellular change comes into play.....Night time is when the plant reverts on the cellular level to daytime needs. Sort of a "healing" period....

NO amount of side lighting will help you at all!
Oh wait, you are looking for bigger popcorn buds I'll bet!
Won't help that either!





@jkwrestling13 DUDE, you're shooting yourself in the wallet with that amount of HID lighting!

Lighting is not your answer, it has become your problem!

I disagree, 1000 watts are meant to cover a 4x4 area. 600s are for 3x3s.