The abysmal failure of Citizens United

So was it all that union money that got Nixon elected? What about Eisenhower? Reagan, Bush 1 or 2? No wait, wait, it was the union money that passed Buckley v. Valeo and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, huh? It was all that union money that shut down the air traffic controllers union, huh!

You are a complete dunce

The overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United and campaign finance reform, including republicans. You are in the tiny minority of idiots, like usual

You need my attention again? I see you followed me to another forum trying to get it.

Wanna play the game where you incessantly reply to posts where I say nothing again to show the people here how you are not obsessed at all?

I don't get it, but because I believe in helping the mentally challenged...

Ok little one GO!!

that post was addressed to your fellow klanman muyloco.

apparently you reading compensation has failed you?
So was it all that union money that got Nixon elected? What about Eisenhower? Reagan, Bush 1 or 2?
Money didn't get any of them elected. Voters did. Oddly, the more people that like your politics, the more donations you get.

No wait, wait, it was the union money that passed Buckley v. Valeo and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, huh?

Why are you referencing COURT cases as if they had something to do with campaign donations?

It was all that union money that shut down the air traffic controllers union, huh!

The Union violated the contract they themselves negotiated. Sorta shut themself down.

You are a complete dunce
Self-serving insult.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United and campaign finance reform, including republicans. You are in the tiny minority of idiots, like usual
Americans may favor campaign finance reform, but not overturning Citizens United. So........a lie
Americans may favor campaign finance reform, but not overturning Citizens United. So........a lie


One google search yielded those results
So was it all that union money that got Nixon elected? What about Eisenhower? Reagan, Bush 1 or 2? No wait, wait, it was the union money that passed Buckley v. Valeo and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, huh? It was all that union money that shut down the air traffic controllers union, huh!

You are a complete dunce

The overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United and campaign finance reform, including republicans. You are in the tiny minority of idiots, like usual

It's a good thing the overwhelming majority are vast idiots, easily swayed by flawed logic, with VERY short memories.

Not sure what point the beginning of your post was trying to make. Maybe that Democrats, even with the HUGE advantage of union money, are so fucked up in the head, they still managed to lose...frequently.
It's a good thing the overwhelming majority are vast idiots, easily swayed by flawed logic, with VERY short memories.

Not sure what point the beginning of your post was trying to make. Maybe that Democrats, even with the HUGE advantage of union money, are so fucked up in the head, they still managed to lose...frequently.
Enjoy the minority. That 28th amendment is coming whether you like it or not
That's what YOU wrote. Don't blame for YOUR fuck up
What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked directly to the source that literally says "Citizens United v. FEC opinion poll" followed by the graph showing 75-80% OPPOSED to the court's decision

You fucked up and read it wrong, and now you can't admit it

Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once. Not even something as basic as this. Why are you so afraid to admit when you're wrong?
Enjoy the minority. That 28th amendment is coming whether you like it or not

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.

I have no problem with the phantom 28th amendment. It sure as fuck has nothing to do with campaign finance reform, not that it's ANYTHING but an internet rumor anyways.
I have no problem with the phantom 28th amendment. It sure as fuck has nothing to do with campaign finance reform, not that it's ANYTHING but an internet rumor anyways.
Oh an "internet rumor" is it? That must totally be why 16 states have already called for a national convention, and 4 have already voted for it, huh?

What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked directly to the source that literally says "Citizens United v. FEC opinion poll" followed by the graph showing 75-80% OPPOSED to the court's decision

You fucked up and read it wrong, and now you can't admit it

Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once. Not even something as basic as this. Why are you so afraid to admit when you're wrong?

What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked directly to the source that literally says "Citizens United v. FEC opinion poll" followed by the graph showing 75-80% OPPOSED to the court's decision

You fucked up and read it wrong, and now you can't admit it

Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once. Not even something as basic as this. Why are you so afraid to admit when you're wrong?

The overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United and campaign finance reform, including republicans.

UOTE="Padawanbater2, post: 11661439, member: 232653"]


One google search yielded those results[/QUOTE]

"majority of Americans are in favor"
Then you post a chart showing they oppose.
"What I wrote was clear, especially considering I linked "
So what you wrote was clear, if we ignore what you post and go to some other website. Yeah, that's clear.

Seriously man, I've never seen you admit a mistake, ever, not even once.