Because anywhere its not evenly reflected it can change the foucs of light, createing a "hot spot".
I get what you are saying but again, the bulbs are the hottest spot in the room! You know that reflector above the light is creating the hottest spot bar nun. It is designed to "
focus" the light on your plants!! How do your plants like that??
Hot spots are a myth!!!!
I started out using mylar blankets and would adjust them in order to reflect the most light possible towards the plants. I got tired of the fans blowing it around and switched to 1" rigid insulation that has foil on one side.
Because my entire room is reflective the lowest leafs grow sideways and upside down collecting the light from the lower walls.
Plants love and need light in order to grow. The more light you give them along with not removing valuable leafs that are there in order to absorb the light the better they will grow!
Remember.... The leafs absorb light using it to create sugar that is sent to the roots. this sugar is then used by the roots to convert the good stuff in the soil to food for the plant. The roots do what they do and send the goods up into the leafs where it is stored until the plant needs it.
The more light you have bouncing around in your room the better!!!