heat stress and shading


Well-Known Member
I have a few plants out. All decent sized and fairly healthy. I had them in a spot where they were getting full sun from about noon til 7 and they seemed stressed and unhappy. I moved them to a spot were they get sun from sunup til about noon. Will this shading difference cause early flower?


Well-Known Member
nah they see the sun thru shade . get em back in full light after about 2 days of shade..
I have a few plants out. All decent sized and fairly healthy. I had them in a spot where they were getting full sun from about noon til 7 and they seemed stressed and unhappy. I moved them to a spot were they get sun from sunup til about noon. Will this shading difference cause early flower?


Well-Known Member
I was told once the rootball hits 85 degrees they go into shock and try to survive instead of grow. In black plastic pots in full sun they get pretty dam hot here in cen cal