Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) go now...go straight


Well-Known Member

I saw it last night, and as an old fan of the original was stunned by the lack of talking I always struggle with the speed of talking, but thats OK here, as theres very little, even the bad guy in this movie was the same bad guy back in the 1970s with the original, I was advised not to toke beforehand(true) as there is just so much going on, the director George Miller, is an obvious Meth addict, and it really shows.

Many members may find the human milk scenes horrid and gross even, but its a valuable part of the 'story'
and after seeing this movie twice,and hours of discussing .. I still feel I'm missing some part, I may need to read the book..? or better play the pc game..? but really thats why I like it, like a tickle in your plants, annoying and yet pleasant
SCORE 9/10

ps. yeah save the weed go straight, toke later

The original I watched at the drive in when it came out.
I was at the perfect age to worship how bad ass max was.

And goose, and toe cutter.
he'll even bubba and johnny.
ps. yeah save the weed go straight, toke later

anyone got those lactating BBW pics ...thats so gross ...not even on the web (yet)

I hope they were well paid..I feel much of this movie was censored out

wait and see!
the movie was done right

a simple over the top life ........mad max ends up getting mixed up into it some point finds a opening to change things around .....then when he can just take it all and get away he breaks and saids fuck it then shit gets crazier ppl die except mad max who gets fucked up the end he dose the mad max thing and rides away

this movie is just a combo mix of all 3 of the movies before branding the actor so the story can go on (after all the world has blown up the open story lines are endless)

check it really it is fucked up .......but the movie is still good and fuck going to it strait .........take a bong hit/vapor hit every time someone dies 20 mins in u will be so ripped each time u watch it will feel like the first time

Last night I'm at this seedy shitty harbor bar, having a drink with friends when this aussie whore walks up, we have been talking about mad max,
she claimed she was in the movie, so I asked how much and she slapped my face....? I'm not likely to dive into that considering, last time I got the lice
but cleaned up real quick, with some applications of Neem Oil, I shudder at the thought of smelling of Neem for a week or two,
I can imagine many aussie girls will be riding that bike for months to come
tho none of us recognize her ...