Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Highway driving is safer and most people do not spend the majority of their time on highways.

Someone said airplane crashes are 100% fatal, not even close to true.
I can't figure out how being a passenger in a car is less scary than flying from a control standpoint.
There are dangers every where wile driving.
Riding with my 16 year old cousin was much scarier to me than any flight I have been on.

I am just trying to understand the psychology so I can understand my own issues better.

If you will excuse me, I have to go yell at the squirrels. Smug little fucks.
i've got one that buried his fucking peanuts all over my garden. try to plant a row of carrots and then the whole thing gets dug up.

i fucking hate squirrels.


Well-Known Member
My schedule at the hardware store changed 3x today. From 5am, to 12:30pm, now it's 7am.

Luckily I'm only cleaning the pits tomorrow. So I won't be closing, but still be out of there by around 9 or so.

I'm so fed up with that place. Last week it was the same BS. Trucks coming tomorrow, don't worry about coming in. Wake up to 3 missed calls wondering where I'm at.

They're talking about putting me full time at the restaurant (since you know, i'm the only one dumb enough to be a dishwasher). Problem is that will only give me 40hrs max, so I still will have to work at the hardware store.

Hopefully I can work a deal to where, after I'm trained, where I can be a server during the morning shifts, and close dish at night. Means I'd be working 12-16 hour days and half my paycheck would rely on tips , but plus side is I'd only have to work 3-4 days a week.... Still need to see what kind of opening I need to get so I can finish my cook training, but one thing at a time.