bring big baby back home.

Did you read the part about my dad or just comment right away? A dying man with cancer requires a lot of meds, and even those don't ease the pain. Since my parents don't work, where do you think all my money goes, you know from my job or something.
No I didn't read any of it. I don't clink links around many trolls and mischief makers..

I know all about giving up shit to help your parents..i gave up living on my own, buying a house and starting my own life to help my parents while my father dealt with cancer, then a house almost getting foreclosed on, then a mini stroke..the dying from a rare disease all in a 5 yr period..and other shit. I've burned through all my life savings supporting them and am living week to week with no job and no income because of it.. luckily things are better now and there is room for me in thier house, but it's going to take me 5+ years to get back to where i was 5 yrs i know ALL about it....If that's the case i think you need to worry about them and not some fancy trinket for your own needs. I could never, in good conscious, ask strangers for help with anything other than daily life needs: food, shelter, water, clothing...otherwise it seems kind of selfish.
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not a dollar. i want an art piece. i have a couple of other pieces that are funtional, but this is so dope. and you're right, this is most likely out of my grasp. but wouldn't you at least try for something you want?
No I didn't read any of it. I don't clink links around many trolls and mischief makers..

I know all about giving up shit to help your parents..i gave up living on my own, buying a house and starting my own life to help my parents while my father dealt with cancer, then a house almost getting foreclosed on, then a mini stroke..the dying from a rare disease all in a 5 yr period..and other shit. I've burned through all my life savings supporting them and am living week to week with no job and no income because of it.. luckily things are better now and there is room for me in thier house, but it's going to take me 5+ years to get back to where i was 5 yrs i know ALL about it....If that's the case i think you need to worry about them and not some fancy trinket for your own needs. I could never, in good conscious, ask strangers for help with anything other than daily life needs: food, shelter, water, clothing...otherwise it seems kind of selfish.

i do worry about them. who do you think pays the bills? that's why i'm asking. if you wouldn't, that's on you. you must be a way better person than i am. cheers to that.
I don't get why people spend so much on glass, sure it looks nice but who cares, i dunno I must be missing something...but then again I've had the same 60$ Bong for about 5 years
not a dollar. i want an art piece. i have a couple of other pieces that are funtional, but this is so dope. and you're right, this is most likely out of my grasp. but wouldn't you at least try for something you want?
Just stick to the pieces that you have, you'll have that piece some day be thankful for what you do have.
Just stick to the pieces that you have, you'll have that piece some day be thankful for what you do have.
And what would make you think I am not thankful for what I have? Has your father ever lifted you into a dumpster just to get upc bar codes off of old Milwaukee cases just so he could get a coupon? Eat off of napkins because you didn't have plates? Nothing but used clothes at garage sales and, stained and torn? I was poor, and now I'm taking care of my parents like did me. I'm very grateful for what I have, but very nice of you to judge me from behind a keyboard.
It is unbelievable to me that you're asking for money for a glass piece better than some here have. Good for you for taking care of your parents, but there are starving kids and abused animals in this world that need saving. People never cease to amaze me...
Oh yeah, mother Teresa? I just can't believe this. Oh my goodness. Someone asking for something. What a terrible person. Do you eat meat? Something that once had a mother, a central nervous system and eye balls? Are you a Christian? If you are, most of the faults in this world are on account of you.
Lol, no I'm an atheist. You can't believe this? Wow. Your priorities are out of whack. Your inquiries have nothing to do with the subject. If you were asking for help with money for essentials, I could understand. Here's an idea, you've stumbled upon the greatest weed growing site, why not learn to grow MJ from these experts instead of asking for hand outs for trivialities? No more money problems, and your family would have free meds that heal instead of hurt...
I was hoping you'd right back, now my life is complete. I want to grow, alas, I'm across the street from a school

I have to wake up early to take care of my family, but if you'd like to talk more, I'm do e around six thirty.

Never mentioned if you ate meat or not.

I don't get why people spend so much on glass, sure it looks nice but who cares, i dunno I must be missing something...but then again I've had the same 60$ Bong for about 5 years
That's funny. I've had the same Grafx 3-footer for 20+ years. It has a crack near the top , but still puffs just as fine as it did on day one. I don't need anything else.
No I didn't read any of it. I don't clink links around many trolls and mischief makers..

I know all about giving up shit to help your parents..i gave up living on my own, buying a house and starting my own life to help my parents while my father dealt with cancer, then a house almost getting foreclosed on, then a mini stroke..the dying from a rare disease all in a 5 yr period..and other shit. I've burned through all my life savings supporting them and am living week to week with no job and no income because of it.. luckily things are better now and there is room for me in thier house, but it's going to take me 5+ years to get back to where i was 5 yrs i know ALL about it....If that's the case i think you need to worry about them and not some fancy trinket for your own needs. I could never, in good conscious, ask strangers for help with anything other than daily life needs: food, shelter, water, clothing...otherwise it seems kind of selfish.
We are two peas in a pod brother.