anyone switch to gavita? worth it?

The Gav. 600e SE is a stunning piece of kit . . . . .


It's the marriage of SOTA digital circuitry (Phillips) AND the Phillips 400v bulb that make it so . . . . .

Yyyyyyup, so Gavita are clearly taking Phillips out to lunch and a burn every now and then, so watt . . . . . .they win . . .. . imo!!

Im lost, so you like gavitas or not so much?
Did he really say all that stuff?

Yes he did really say that stuff
You are the second person to ask me that tonight lol, i guess it is hard to believe that someone would say all that

Your sig....please tell me you edited that and he didn't actually make all of those claims??
My god, that could be the worst post in the history of RIU. Unreal
hyroot (1).PNG
If you like your utility company more than your Dank, then you'll use the SAME power with a Gavita . . . .

If you prefer your Bud to your UC, then you'll get more growing power from a Gavita for the same $ you're passing to your mates at the UC . . .

I know watt I watt (sorry, want) . . . .and, there fore, have!!! ;)

seems like its worth it if you plain to have a large room full of them the savings add up after a while
but just one or two does not seem like such a good investment
He must of been joking around.
no he is a retard

I am real interested in the hyroot clothing line, sounds fascinating, i hope its not just some t-shirts he has for sale on ebay
i picture him selling high class fedoras


also around march next year (2016) it will be interesting to see if hyroots "very high end dipsensary" , that cost 100k i think he means (dispensary)
has taken off the ground, i have not been so excited since lordjin showed me his laundry tub aeroponic-system

Is that hyroot???

no he is a retard

I am real interested in the hyroot clothing line, sounds fascinating, i hope its not just some t-shirts he has for sale on ebay
i picture him selling high class fedoras


also around march next year (2016) it will be interesting to see if hyroots "very high end dipsensary" , that cost 100k i think he means (dispensary)
has taken off the ground, i have not been so excited since lordjin showed me his laundry tub aeroponic-system

Oh jeeeeeeeeeeezus . . . . . no come on, that's u dressed up like a twonk JUST for this thread no?????? LMAO!!!!! Dammmmn . .. . . . .

sorry but is that an arse hole or ask hole or just a vacant hole????

I only say this coz I'm coupling it with the sig from skunkd0c

Has it got a website????? (All I see is commercialism surrounding him; bet he thinks of others before himself!!! . . . .pppffffffffff ah ah ah hhaaaaaaaaaaaa))

Oh jeeeeeeeeeeezus . . . . . no come on, that's u dressed up like a twonk JUST for this thread no?????? LMAO!!!!! Dammmmn . .. . . . .

sorry but is that an arse hole or ask hole or just a vacant hole????

I only say this coz I'm coupling it with the sig from skunkd0c

Has it got a website????? (All I see is commercialism surrounding him; bet he thinks of others before himself!!! . . . .pppffffffffff ah ah ah hhaaaaaaaaaaaa))

come again ?
ppppppppppppah ha ha ha . . . . . ..

You gotta now . . . . . . ..

laundry tub aeroponic-system

Please . . . . . fffffffuck I'm laughing my arse off here . . . .. .