Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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Well-Known Member
Let me please give you a bit of helpful advice about me.

I have an inability to let things go if you behave a certain way towards me.

If you rat me out, screw me over, or go out of your way to try to be cruel to me - I will not get over that.

I believe in REVENGE. I believe in an eye for an eye.

This is not about political bullshit and having an argument about opinions.

I'm just saying, that's the way I am. It's the way ill always be. I thank fuck every day that this is the Internet and we are all safe. I'm very happy you are all safe FROM ME.

Because I sing "the Mariners Revenge Song" every day in the shower. And I think the chorus is NOT overkill when it comes to enacting justice on another human being:

"Find him, bind him..

Tie him to a pole and break his fingers to splinters...

Drag him to a hole until he wakes up, naked, clawing at the ceiling of his grave..."

Please don't fuck with me. Do it for your own safety.

I'm very nice, until I'm not. me some tiddies!!!!
I need some help, I believe I have misplaced my trousers...
I don't recognize that word.

I've stricken it from my memory, because I'm a cyborg.

But if you're talking about my Nemisis, he's on ignore.

But - I'm unable to stop talking about him. And i will never forgive him.

It would be best if he just left this place and never came back.

Not that this isn't FUN AS HELL. Hahahah

I want to join a FIGHT CLUB.
The second rule is the same as the first rule . The third rule is about someone yelling stop , going limp or taps out the fight is over and the forth rule of fight club is only two men to a fight !
...and if this is your first time at fight club...


love that movie. Ever watch the DVD special features with the commentary? Interesting shit...
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