Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Today was the first ive ever heard it BC...but ill always eat them but now ive heard the myth about boats and bananas ill prob never take one on a boat before


Well-Known Member
so sorry Ruby...I know exactly what you are going through. I had a lot of trouble with my daughter for several years. She has been through a couple boot camps. Sometimes all you can do is do what you can to protect them, and pray for the best. With my daughter, nothing I did or said would have helped or changed anything - she had a path and she was going to follow it no matter what - so I just had to let her do her thing and hope and pray she came back to me. She did. We are very very close today.
I truly hope your son comes back to you
Wont happen for a long time..he was my best little mate now hes of the rails and in an environment that wont help him.
I have a beutiful autistic daughter and awesome wife to think of .....

I have been thru the same thing with both my boys. The oldest one was worst. almost to the point of fighting. Of course they were 18. I'd of like to kick there ass but im glad I never did and it was real close several times. Words you can take back or forget, physical altercations you can't. LOL. I remember one time in the desert I was gonna box em both. Was doing the Chuck Norris circle defense , common bitches ! .Fucking left em both out there. lol They have both come around pretty much but I still have some hard feelings at my oldest and Im pretty good at forgiving. My dad is an ass and I have basically disowned him after several times of trying to put things back together. But Im proud to be a better man than him.
He'll come back Ruby.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Sorry about your friend Ruby.
Waiti g on some tests to come back fumble..
He says after being told a month ago things are looking up and the doc wouldnt give him a time frame as he was confident. .
Now 4 weeks on hes been flown to hospital and told 3 or 12 months is a possibility :(

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I have been thru the same thing with both my boys. The oldest one was worst. almost to the point of fighting. Of course they were 18. I'd of like to kick there ass but im glad I never did and it was real close several times. Words you can take back or forget, physical altercations you can't. LOL. I remember one time in the desert I was gonna box em both. Was doing the Chuck Norris circle defense , common bitches ! .Fucking left em both out there. lol They have both come around pretty much but I still have some hard feelings at my oldest and Im pretty good at forgiving. My dad is an ass and I have basically disowned him after several times of trying to put things back together. But Im proud to be a better man than him.
He'll come back Ruby.
I dont know if i want him back yet...or later he came at me with a baseball bat and threatened to cut my throat.
I went home and lost it smashed his hole room up including something i made him when he was not good at holding my temper


Well-Known Member
My temper is really bad and my oldest is a spitting image of me. If they think it's so easy out there, don't let the door hit you in the ass. and don't ask him back, let him ask to come home.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Cut a long story short mate....hes left home on his own free will 4 times now.
And once when we moved him on all in the space of 22 months...u can only do it so many times before you feel like an old man and run down emotionally.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
We all have something to deal with no different to anyone else not special but not happy everyday and thats where mj is great..
My only downfall is i drink 3 times as much as i should and thats not good for my close friends and family who know what i get like if im drinking to forget


Well-Known Member
Understandable Ruby. I have a really bad temper myself- though it is well curbed these days. My daughter and I used to go at it...have had her against the wall by her throat...and she doesn't back down. She is the same as me in that fact. She is an alcoholic - has been since 15- and has been through several boot camps in her teens. It wasn't until she was 22 or so that she started to come around.

Like you said though, we all have our stories. Thank Got for Weed!