KB's Organic outdoor

Looks awesome man. Those peppers sound ridiculous.... are you going to use those to make some homemade 'ripper mace'? :twisted: :lol:
Looks awesome man. Those peppers sound ridiculous.... are you going to use those to make some homemade 'ripper mace'? :twisted: :lol:
Thank sir...as for rippers im pretty far back in the middle.of nowhere and on a dead end private road..no one knows what im doing and you cant see it from any angle i basiclly cut a section of the woods out ajd just cut enough trees to follow the sun up and down on the garden. But cant be too prepared so thats not a bad idea prolly set it up booby trapped so if someone messes with my fence or trys to climb it itll release a mist of it..they will burn your skin and make.you temporarily blind your supposed to wear gloves and goggles while harvesting them.

But i also have a mini cannon that just makes noise doesnt actually shoot anything besides a wad of paper but its ungodly loud and if unexpected would more than disorient someone and wake the neighbors miles away..find a way to rig that on a hot wire connected to the fence like an alarm so when the wire is diconnected itll fire that fucker haha.

Rain has stopped and im back at it the last pole has to go up and its wayyy to heavy for me to lift alone so im waiting on my partner to get here so i can throw it up and get my door built but another 2 hours or so and ill be done finally.

Leo can come out for a controlled inspection so they dont tresspass when im not here and plants will go out
Plants are out havent invited the local boys out yet gotta call them and set up a date ..hate this part....its not required but keeps them off my property once they fly over bc they will stop no matter what
Okay sry for lack of updates was working 8-10 hours then on the farm afterwatds getting the enclosure up..but yhe work has ended for now...the soil is set to cook for another 3-4 weeks until the internal temp dips below 80F

I did some research on EM1 or effective microorganisms you can buy it pre made or make it yourself ..it helos break down compost in half the time so im brewing some as we speak...its also the same thing in roots exculauator that sells for 75$ a bottle i made 10x that bottle for maybe 20$ so i also made a huge batch of rootsxl and dumped it in my pots to get the soil life breaking shit down.

Anywho heres some pictures of whats going on so far no too exciting but good none the less

The plants on the left is my work in progress white grapes and on the right is girl scout cookies will also maybe have a few stragler gorilla glue#4 too but those will most likely stay inside..theres 11 plants total outside only 9 of them will make the cut

The single plant is gsc all of them are 100% organic and only feeding on chicken manure and earthworm castings1433630116288.jpg1433630441981.jpg 1433630549866.jpg 1433630716736.jpg
So i checked the mix its still hotter than hell meaning the micro's are doing their job breaking everything down..i did however notice that my soil when wet turns to mud its not light and fluffy..this is bc i used a local 50/50 mix of topsoil and compost and its basiclly shit topsoil i was very unhappy with..so today i picked up 18 bales of pro-mix and each pot will get 2 bales mixed in to lighten them up..im going to remove 8 cubic feet from each pot and set that aside and let that compost until next summer and im sure itll be some bomb soil by then.

Were at about 3 weeks of cook now so hopefully 1-2 more and i can plant my 5 gallon buckets are gonna be a little root bound by then.

Heres some nug porn of my white grapes almost finished these are @ 6.5 weeks and kust packing on the weight and trichomes..checked them under the scope and everything is still clear or milky no amber yet im still figuring out her perfect cut date she seems to finish in 65-70 days..the girl scout cut i have finishes right at 65 and is 100% milky right now

1st pic is the white grapes pheno ive been working to stablize the second is the gsc and obviously 3rd is all four biggest is gsc left of that is green white grapes pheno and 2 in the fron are the white grapes pheno1434047445390.jpg1434047603245.jpg 1434048236329.jpg
They have about 2 weeks left lets do a weight guesstimate on the biggest white grapes [front right] and the closest person gets a free unreleased pack of beans
Been having rain for about for days i checked soil temp yesterday and we ranged from 80-87F so some of the pots are good to plant and some of them are still working regaurdless my plants are almost rootbound if not already and will be in the ground next weekend so long as the soil isnt over 84F but i think itll be good that will be almost 4 weeks
Okay sry i abandoned this thread for a minute..been harvestinf indoors while working outdoors and my day job which has become a nightmare.. seems my boss cant count as ive been working 8 hour days 5 days a week and doing repairs "after" work taking on a few more hours here and there and somehow ended up with 35-40 hour checks...tho i was a few hours late here and there and had to take some time off by my calculations i should average 45 hours..but he doesnt seem to think so and this is the entire crew not just me...tho im the only one doing repairs...so it seems ill be looking into starting my own company its about that time anyways tho i was going to wait until october.

Anyways to the plants! Everything is potted and looking healthy i think the were a tad bit stressed to begin with considering the soil wasnt 100% ready but after a compost tea and a bunch of micro life (***damn near fixes anything***) i think we are on track..id say they have doubled in size since i last posted anything and were on track for a decent season...nothing amazing im sure but a good solid first run none the less.

Now i have a question for anyone with some serious organic knowledge. What would be the best tea recipe to use to get these girls into overdrive. I feel as tho its lacking somthing being that the last time i grew in the great outdoors my plants were growing rapidly in less sun and this run seems to have slowed since they have been in the larger pots. They are good color all the leaves are poited to the sky as they should be maybe a tad over watered due to the last few weeks of constant rain every other day..but i would imagine that would aid in getting them some.much needed nutrients.

Also is there a good at home soil test for nutrient content?

Ill post a ton of pictures in a few when i get back out there