Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
so its 4 days until I launch off in a flying tube of certain death. anyone have any recommendations on something to take, other than getting so hammered I don't care that the plane is going to drop out of the sky? not much of a pill taker, but I realize its probably the only thing that will help. absolutely terrified of flying, so its not that ill get sick.
Weed helps.

Eat a weed cookie 2 hours before your flight.

You were talking about flying, right?

If you're one of the people going to Mars, I don't know if a cookie would stop you from shitting your pants on the way up/ down.

Oh, and don't watch the movie "Flight" with D Washington the night before your flight. I did that once, BAD IDEA.



Well-Known Member
Weed helps.

Eat a weed cookie 2 hours before your flight.

You were talking about flying, right?

If you're one of the people going to Mars, I don't know if a cookie would stop you from shitting your pants on the way up/ down.

Oh, and don't watch the movie "Flight" with D Washington the night before your flight. I did that once, BAD IDEA.

Yea doesn't help every other day there is a plane crash in the news. It's weird but herbs been giving me anxiety the last month or so, thinking of flying. When I haven't smoked, the idea doesn't really mess with me. So I haven't really smoked besides during the night. Also trying to ween myself for the 10 days of no herb, but I've heard it's easy to find there. My cousin suggested xanax, said he'll write me an Rx. So I'll see how those work before hand.


Well-Known Member
Yea doesn't help every other day there is a plane crash in the news. It's weird but herbs been giving me anxiety the last month or so, thinking of flying. When I haven't smoked, the idea doesn't really mess with me. So I haven't really smoked besides during the night. Also trying to ween myself for the 10 days of no herb, but I've heard it's easy to find there. My cousin suggested xanax, said he'll write me an Rx. So I'll see how those work before hand.
I'd test it out before hand. Drugs react differently depending on your body chemistry.

A nurse friend of mine would get nervous to fly, so when we went out to Banff awhile back, she brought "Atavan". She gave me one, because I'm a hyper hypo sometimes and I like to talk - and she wanted to sleep.

OPPOSITE EFFECT on me. She passed out. I wanted to punch dance in a wooded glen. I was so antsy and hyper. It was like cocaine.

So test it before you fly. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
so its 4 days until I launch off in a flying tube of certain death. anyone have any recommendations on something to take, other than getting so hammered I don't care that the plane is going to drop out of the sky? not much of a pill taker, but I realize its probably the only thing that will help. absolutely terrified of flying, so its not that ill get sick.

You are something like 10x more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport than on the flight.


Well-Known Member
My digestive system does not act like it should.
No alcohol and a day of healthy eating yesterday?
This morning I splatter the bowl.

Last week I ate junk food and drank 57 beers and the next day had a perfect double tapered shit.

My ass is like a box of chocolates...

such a jam


Well-Known Member
Yea doesn't help every other day there is a plane crash in the news. It's weird but herbs been giving me anxiety the last month or so, thinking of flying. When I haven't smoked, the idea doesn't really mess with me. So I haven't really smoked besides during the night. Also trying to ween myself for the 10 days of no herb, but I've heard it's easy to find there. My cousin suggested xanax, said he'll write me an Rx. So I'll see how those work before hand.
I'm also terrified of flying... probably not to the same degree that you are... I'm just terrified of not being in control of something that will 100% kill me if it does so happen to go out of control for whatever reason. Xanax will work, ideally you want something that will make you so tired you don't give a fuck. I usually take dramamine before I fly unless its a short flight... then its up and down, no point in being sleepy the rest of the day. I wouldn't recommend any edibles... that will absolutely make you flip out even more if you're anything like me.


Well-Known Member
Can flies get high? One of them got in then landed on the ceiling so I started blowing weed smoke at him. He took about 3 hits then just fell straight down, he stayed on his back for like 5 seconds then got up and started crawling around slowly. He had like no rractions to me so I threw him outside to warn the other flies not to come in.

Magic Mike

Well-Known Member
quinoa cooked in ro water, organic eggs, green onion, garlic, ginger, portobello mushrooms, sweet brown rice. brunch
organic sun tea and key lime cookies in the volcano
bon appetit
