Why This Forum Sucks ****

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Well-Known Member
Ive thrown nods to Blowfly for the last 10 yrs here & your the 1st to comment on him , young kids never heard of him .

I got all of his albums , the 1st nig...umm...black president was the shit too :bigjoint:

Last i knew he was still touring around 2012 , his record company pulled a Grand Funk number on him where he cant play any songs from his old catalog , the dudes in his 80's & on hard times , theres a doccumentary about him being the 1st rapper where it shows him struggling , its very sad to watch .
First black president was among my favorites.

I dunno.. it's just one of those things, I guess. Thanks for the tip on the doc, I hadn't heard about it. Dude was totally OG. He even predates Schoolly D.


Well-Known Member
Haha my parents luuuuv some blowfly
I'll say this much about how much rap has changed since Blowfly , both times i seen him his band was incredibly tight & threw some serious funk licks down , any opening act for Parliment Funkadelic had to be tight , George Clinton was the Black Funk version of Frank Zappa where excellence was a must .

I really enjoyed the early genre of Funk & Rap where musical talent was emphasized, not a guy singing/rapping over a generic beat with 2 turntables & a microphone with guys dancing & posing instead of playing any musical instrument .

For me the instrumental part of music is more important than lyrical content .


Well-Known Member
I'll say this much about how much rap has changed since Blowfly , both times i seen him his band was incredibly tight & threw some serious funk licks down , any opening act for Parliment Funkadelic had to be tight , George Clinton was the Black Funk version of Frank Zappa where excellence was a must .

I really enjoyed the early genre of Funk & Rap where musical talent was emphasized, not a guy singing/rapping over a generic beat with 2 turntables & a microphone with guys dancing & posing instead of playing any musical instrument .

For me the instrumental part of music is more important than lyrical content .
God how I love me some P-Funk. Bootsy is fucking amazing.
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