Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions


Hey guys im looking for some help finding out what the best outdoor water soluble nutrients would be for veg and bloom i originally planned to get jacks classic but no where can ship the amount i need to canada for a reasonable price saying that i am in canada and need something hopefully i can find here or get shipped here for a reasonable price im doing 300 plants so something that comes in bigger bags would be nice but not needed just throw anything out there i can search up and try figure out. Oiganly it was a 20-20-20 blend for veg and 10-30-20 for bloom ive hurd good things about this.


-30% perlite
-Peat Moss, Blk Peat Loam and Mushroom Compost

Mixed with 20%ish original soil wholes will be 25 gallon+ and be fed 20gallons twice a week once they get big, with nutes only once a week

Should i put in the extra money and get 40year old cow manure mixed in with the peat,blk loam, and compost?
I just noticed that's a 5lb bag if you write the owner of or whatever he will send you a 25lb Bag for like $32 plus shipping it was like $14 bucks and got here in a few days and it should last for your whole grow easy. It's very concentrated, like 1/4 tsp for 5 gallons of water works great.
Plant Prod is available in Canada and is suppose to be the same as Jacks Classic. I combine the starter 10-52-10 with the veg/tomatoe 15-15-30 for the 1-3-2 ratio for flower and use the all-purpose 20-20-20 for veg. This is the first year trying the combo, last year i used 15-30-15 for flowering. There really isnt much variety up here.
How did the 15-30-15 go? and im gonna give this stuff a go thankyou burner89 and also thankyou for the lonk maryjane! but are you sure thats how you make the 1-3-2 mix 25-65-40 // 2.5-6.5-4 // 1.25-3.5-2 if you thot of that mix on your own good job thats pretty close :) but its as simple as that add the numbers together to make the mixxes?
Last year outdoor I used Maxsea 3-20-20 for bloom and was very happy with results.
I planted out two clones mid June, bubba and a master Kush and ended up with a pound of dried bud off each plant. Nice fat heavy buds..
I know a lot of people up here that use maxsea and love it. I personally don't like it nor do I like any dry concentrated fertilizers but I have seen some pretty big plants and good stuff grown with maxsea
Hey guys so i looked them up and im really drawn beetween the two of plant prod and maxsea any suggestions on the two backgroung with them or any passed uses?
Hey guys so i looked them up and im really drawn beetween the two of plant prod and maxsea any suggestions on the two backgroung with them or any passed uses?

Check out doublejj's 2015 outdoor adventure in the outdoor growing section. He uses maxsea and grows some monsters.
Is he purely an indoor grower though? i think i may go maxsea just because people say theyve had a good expereince and no ones used the plant prod before so just 20-20-20 for veg and 3-20-20 for bloom?
Must be more expensive to get in canada, I can get it for half that on amazon

Ya we pay more for just about everything up here and our dollar dropping doesnt help either. Us Canadians are so special that we get our own ebay and amazon just to make it easier to pay more for everything lol. has maxsea for about $87 for 6lbs and has both the all purpose and bloom.

@swed25 I can't really say how well the 15-30-15 worked, my best plant was 10ft Special Kush that yeilded 8oz in 15G root pouch. I don't spend much on my grow and I was very happy with that. I also use a dried water soluble sea weed extract called Sea Magic that I found at Homehardware, I dont see it very often so I grab a package any chance I get.

As far as mixing formulas together I can't say forsure as I couldnt find any info on it. That said when I read the description of Maxsea on ebay,ca it actually mentioned mixing formulas to create you own custom ratio so that makes me feel a little better about it lol.

I already have my supplies for this year but after looking into the maxsea I may give it whorl next year, ebay also had 1.5lbs containers which is all I would need for the handfull of plants I grow,
Swed I am using GH ( general hydroponics) nutes outside. You can get those just about everywhere including EBay and they have a starter pack that gets you going. I used to use miracle grow in either regular or ultra bloom. It worked OK but the GH stuff really makes a difference in bud size and density. I am going to mix it up with some Advanced nute stuff later this year to see if there is a big difference. I think any fertilizer helps to some degree but spending a little on good nutes will definitely boost your yield and isn't that what it's all about? I think we all want the ladies to be all that they can be! Good luck on the grow!