Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

not all of them are in flower,and a few went right to clones.
Thats alot!

Oh I checked my girls today for watering and #2 was BONE DRY up to my second knuckle. So I guess I will be watering a day earlier now. That's prob why she was eating herself. Using her less necessary leaves for water and nutes.

I'll take pictures after I am done watering and mist them down proper.


Well-Known Member
gen is right...never doubted him
grokashi is the real deal... got crazy fuzz...

let me know how your yield is from the de..

Take some pics when you can would love to see all that fuzz growing. I think those pics are so cool to see bacteria grow which is really helping the plants grow and do well. Getting some of that stuff soon as I get paid this week


Well-Known Member
@genuity is there a thread for your clone procedure? what you use, if any, gels or powders? do you scrap the outter skin? etc...just wondering what you do.

i am also popping one MMxUD and one sssdhxbbp. i cant stop thinking of them, i see FP's going and i am green with envy ;-)
I realize you asked Gen., but I figured I'd offer what works for me as well.

I cut the branch and dip it in water right away to help lower chances of air bubble in the stem,

then I cut tips off biggest fan leaves,

cut stem at 45 degree angle,

sometimes I split bottom of stem up the middle about half inch and ruff up outside,

typically I don't use any gel or powder, which slows down my rooting times, but since my shit is on a schedule I don't need the clones to root fast so I have no need,

I then put clones in a moistened ph balanced rock wool cubes. I pre poke the holes for the clones so their stems don't break from being forced into the wool,

I don't use a dome, but one can help to speed up the rooting process if needed and domes are needed in low humidity climates,

I use a heating pad when veg area is cold, typically winter. Not needed in the summer time for the most part.

I usually see roots in 7-10 days this way. With hormones and a dome you can get roots in 5 days. I rarely ever lose clones with my method. It's cheap and effective with minimal effort but I always take a couple more than what I want just to be safe. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I realize you asked Gen., but I figured I'd offer what works for me as well.

I cut the branch and dip it in water right away to help lower chances of air bubble in the stem,

then I cut tips off biggest fan leaves,

cut stem at 45 degree angle,

sometimes I split bottom of stem up the middle about half inch and ruff up outside,

typically I don't use any gel or powder, which slows down my rooting times, but since my shit is on a schedule I don't need the clones to root fast so I have no need,

I then put clones in a moistened ph balanced rock wool cubes. I pre poke the holes for the clones so their stems don't break from being forced into the wool,

I don't use a dome, but one can help to speed up the rooting process if needed and domes are needed in low humidity climates,

I use a heating pad when veg area is cold, typically winter. Not needed in the summer time for the most part.

I usually see roots in 7-10 days this way. With hormones and a dome you can get roots in 5 days. I rarely ever lose clones with my method. It's cheap and effective with minimal effort but I always take a couple more than what I want just to be safe. Cheers.
This way is the easiest and quickest. With the hormone and no dome you can still hit 5 days.

See happy bitches and no dome :)
Forgot I don't ph my cubes though.


Well-Known Member

Not sure how I missed that one, I'm going to have a look around.

Unknown or Legendary - True OG
100% Indica phenotype. This Strain has been secured since 1996 and is NOT one of the many OG Hybrids that have been crossed with a Sativa. Often referred to as “Kobe OG” because once acquired, you don’t pass! Anything but subtle describes the distinct odor of lemony citrus and pinesol. Definitely full of earthy flavor, although you can certainly detect hashish notes. Characteristic for an indica, an initial slight rush transitions to great mental and body relaxation. This Strain invented the term “Couchlock”! Greatest Strain for Acute and Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Nausea and Severe Headaches.
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