Well-Known Member
Having used this a few times now ,not that impressed really.
figures...............diffuse light is not what our photon hungry c3 plants want. Did you buy it or just test it??
be safe
Having used this a few times now ,not that impressed really.
390g dry off of 150w
Some hard to believe #s. anyone else getting results like yours in the auto forums with the hs1s?........low wattage, thick diffuser lens, your pics showing inadequate light coverage, perimeter shadowing with the largest colas.........idk, I smell something
Or i should have your number on speed dial.
Did you scale them DRY?
Good luck on your grows
Its 290g in video wtf?
Tell me about it bro if find it hard to believe myself but it's happening in front of my eyes lol
I totally agree about not having full coverage I think 3 would be needed to max cover the room but I'm not growing to max the room I'm growing to max the lights and grow as eco as poss. Have a look in the thread I've started.
9.6w/sq ft in flower and using autos ======== unheard of results and throws up some red flags for the vet growers here unfortunately. Looking at the output of this fixture without the lens on (first page of this thread) it looks like a flashlight!lol, GN must have some magic alien tech in the diffuser lens then
If these are repeatable results by other growers , I definitely would recommend them to the EU crowd.............can only imagine what you could do with top bin cobs!
be safe
Subbed, great #'sI agree bro they are unbelievable numbers but plants don't care how many watts are used all they want are photons in a usable specrtum but I'm sure you know that lol,if you look at the evolution of LED lights over the last few years they just get better and better so I wouldn't be surprised if I get these results with way less energy in the future,that's what I love about the tech,it's evolving in front of are eyes.
The Holographic diffuser is the key to making this lights work bro all the lights I've used in the past have used the optics/reflectors that we have become used too and I would get a hotspot of light directly underneath and this would cause deficiencies in some cases also the light wasn't blended that well so it was blotchy,some leaves would have blue some red,with the diffuser it blends the spectrum perfectly and you don't loose much of the intensity of the light. Without the diffuser the light is at something like a 20° beam angle so the diffuser is essential.
Liking what i am seeingand the lights are made in blighty
Were they cranked up to 110w each ?
No i paid full price for it.The reason was i had an issue with the Hans panel and at that time he was on holliday for a few weeks,so i grabbed it to get me through. Now i have the Hs1 and 3 hans panels. 1 x 150 w hans and 2 80w hans.IMO the hans panels are much better at speeding light about than the Grownorthern Hs1 are.I get stretch with the hs1 but not so much with the Hans panels.figures...............diffuse light is not what our photon hungry c3 plants want. Did you buy it or just test it??
be safe
No i paid full price for it.The reason was i had an issue with the Hans panel and at that time he was on holliday for a few weeks,so i grabbed it to get me through. Now i have the Hs1 and 3 hans panels. 1 x 150 w hans and 2 80w hans.IMO the hans panels are much better at speeding light about than the Grownorthern Hs1 are.I get stretch with the hs1 but not so much with the Hans panels.
GN make the Light and Dutch Passion own CrazyLED's who are a reseller for the GN lights. Dutch Passion has bee a long time reseller of Grow Northern lights. In the past Dutch Passion sold the Ms004 & MS006 lights which were manufactured by Grow northern. Mystery cleared up!Found this while searching the web...identical to the GN light. Makes me wonder who is really producing these.
That is some mighty fine detective work there. If you ever find anyone on other forums doing a journal with this light, please share here. Not that I plan on getting one, I just enjoy seeing new designs and tech
390g dry off of 150w
Some hard to believe #s. anyone else getting results like yours in the auto forums with the hs1s?........low wattage, thick diffuser lens, your pics showing inadequate light coverage, perimeter shadowing with the largest colas.........idk, I smell something
Or i should have your number on speed dial.
Did you scale them DRY?
Good luck on your grows
I find it fair for some to question these numbers, they seem a bit out there based on conventional wisdom.
But also conventional wisdom is about conventional growing. Tang is working with some pretty great genetics by the looks of things. Also as star tester probably getting the nicests seeds by his seed bank. If i understand correctly hes running 20/4 lights. Thats 2/3 more lights than in a 12/12. As far as ive understood the plants dont really care about the watts, they care about the total amount of light and photosynthesis per day, 250 watts of 12/12 conventional wisdom would maybe be a better comparison, and not that out there.
Also for all of us softdriving led cob fans, is it really that much of a leap of faith that the plants might like to have the same total amount of light but spread out over a longer period, especially in a plant with autotraits, coming from a low intensity-long day genetic background?
Diffusers: supposed to increase yield even if they lower light intensity, its been studied in greenhouses although if i remember right for vegg and fruit. Also in this case it gives a very big light source which means we are moving away from inverse squarelaw which is said to be for point sources.
Drawback: 390grams is not loads for a 4x4, actually comes out as less than an ounce per squarefoot.
Why dont anyone try to make a diy clone of this light using cobs? Alot of people have been trying to mix spectrums with cobs, maybe a large diy reflector with a holographic lense material covering it, with a vegg cob (4000-5000k) and a flower cob (3000k 80/90k) on separate dimmers? Youd get adjustable full cycle, nice spread and coverage and moving away from point source diminishment of light intensity all in one package.
Dunno, im a noob, spending time reading what works for different people gets me thinking too much maybe, gets a little ocd.
Would love to try out tangs style, if i could only make it more KISS and not fork out over agrand on 150watts of light