Memorial Day is bullshit

they invaded Alaska and held some islands, so you are factually wrong.


During the war, Japan successfully occupied, but later withdrew from, the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Japan also conducted air attacks through the use of fire balloons. Six American civilians were killed in such attacks; Japan also launched two manned air attacks on Oregon (the only time in the war that mainland America was bombed by enemy aircraft) as well as two incidents of Japanese submarines shelling the American mainland."

Whatever Red says you can be sure of the opposite. Never seen such an opposition to reality before him..

Proving me correct, then claiming it some how I am "confused". LOL.........
Fair enough. However my assertion was mainly that I do not celebrate war or its memory or the participants. I should have been more precise.

Although the Russians did kick the Germans ass and the Japanese were never going to come to America and make you watch Godzilla movies endlessly. Long, long ago, I lived on an island where Japanese soldiers still hid out after the end of WW II, but that is another story for another time maybe. Please have another slice of cake.
Sadly, Japanese did come to America and make me watch Godzilla movies . I don't celibrate war, I mourn the loss of those who died. The bastard won't bake the cake. Fucking lying weasel.

Edit: Sorry. make that a "a piece of shit person who discriminates against people based on my own personal beliefs."
Sadly, Japanese did come to America and make me watch Godzilla movies . I don't celibrate war, I mourn the loss of those who died. The bastard won't bake the cake. Fucking lying weasel.

Edit: Sorry. make that a "a piece of shit person who discriminates against people based on my own personal beliefs."

Those fuckers!! Here have some cake.


I mourn the loss of all the people that died and think none of it needs to happen.
A broken clock is right twice a day, dipshit

It would surprise me, and feel sorry for you (even more than I am now), if you weren't
^^^^^^^Uh Oh! Somebody getting incoherant! Meltdown alert!^^^^^^^^^^^^
Those fuckers!! Here have some cake.


I mourn the loss of all the people that died and think none of it needs to happen.
It doesn't say "I LOVE JESUS COCK" on it.
I don't know if it needs to happen, but it does, and has as far back as history is written.
So the Japs occupied Alaskan Islands with no intention of holding them.. Sure, I guess you're right?

That's why us Californians don't speak Japanese,
@Rob Roy, didn't ya know?..

The OP's point is that the very real sacrifice of men who have fought and died in many wars has been hijacked by chicken hawks and profiteers. I agree with this.

Those writing rebuttals against his viewpoint say that those who fought and lost their lives are heroes. I agree.

Now, let us both come together and hold our elected officials accountable for the atrocities they commit in the name of our fallen heroes. This is the BEST way to truly honor them- and try to save more from joining them unnecessarily.

Fucking well put! I support the troops as much as the next person... to the point that it pisses me off to see them sent over to some shit hole to die for corporate America. And then we can't be bothered to take care of them when they come home. Smh.
All day I've seen the same nonsense being repeated on facebook..."they died so we can be free" or "remember our hero's" and I'm here to tell you that it's all bullshit. What's the difference between these people and the muslims who perpetuate the notion that if you blow yourself up, if you martyr yourself you'll die and honorable death...remembered by friends and family as a hero, a fighter for justice and truth! The answer? There is no difference. Don't both of these parties realize they're just doing the bidding of a small group of men trying to take or keep power? Over 54,000 americans died in that why I have "freedom"?
Another 5000 or so died in Iraq and Afghanistan and over a Trillion dollars I free'er now?
All of these dead Americans, most not much older than teenagers, so millionaires could become billionaires.
If people really gave a fuck at all about dead Americans kids in uniforms they would stop electing people who so willfully throw them into the grinder. Reminds me of a line in a song..."I ain't no senators son"
"Freedom" isn't something that's magically conjured up every time an American soldier dies so stop fucking saying it.
The fact that this was so well written, thank our teacher.....the fact that it was written in English, thank a Veteran..
I don't disagree, that there are ulterior motives to the wars we have chosen to participate in. In light of that, the men and women who are on that battlefield, believe they are putting their lives on the line for the citizens and their freedom. Regardless of the foolishness in that sentiment, I believe that is why we thank them for our freedom. If a real threat to American citizens ever did materialize, those same service members would die to defend them.
Well it's official politics sucks, you can never be right..
What do you mean you can never be right? That's such goddamn bullshit, and I insist you recognize that!


Fuck anyone who says you can't. POLITICS IS OBJECTIVE. POLITICS CARRIES HISTORY. You can stop and check for yourself.

There is a historically, objective response to success; those that don't believe it are part of the power structure against it.
The fact that this was so well written, thank our teacher.....the fact that it was written in English, thank a Veteran..

If people were drafted and made to go fight and kill people they never met and that hadn't harmed them personally, were those drafted people free? It sure sounds like they were enslaved in some way if they were drafted and forced to fight.

How does a person that is forced to kill other people become freer by being drafted?

Do you also celebrate independence day (independence from taxation) by watching huge parades, extravagant expensive fireworks massive police overtime etc. all ironically paid for WITH taxes far higher than the ones people had in the 1700s ? Seems a little contradictory to me.

I fee bad for veterans, they bought a line of bullshit and some ended up dead for it.

Smedley Butler called, he is holding on line one.
I hold the same hope, but I'm under no delusion that that's the case. The imperialistic nature of American foreign policy is overwhelmingly harmful to the rest of the world, and by association, harmful to our national defense (see Israel)

I respectfully disagree, because I really believe that our foreign policy has prevented the start of World War III a hundred times over, even though it has caused a lot of collateral damage.

And please, realize I'm not using the phrase "collateral damage" the same way Tim McVeigh did when he referred to his unintended child victims as "collateral damage".
If people were drafted and made to go fight and kill people they never met and that hadn't harmed them personally, were those drafted people free? It sure sounds like they were enslaved in some way if they were drafted and forced to fight.

How does a person that is forced to kill other people become freer by being drafted?

Do you also celebrate independence day (independence from taxation) by watching huge parades, extravagant expensive fireworks massive police overtime etc. all ironically paid for WITH taxes far higher than the ones people had in the 1700s ? Seems a little contradictory to me.

I fee bad for veterans, they bought a line of bullshit and some ended up dead for it.

Smedley Butler called, he is holding on line one.
Some people have no problem letting others fight their battles for them.....
Do you also celebrate independence day (independence from taxation)

It was about independence from the taxation of a government that wouldn't use the collected funds for the benefit of the people they were collected from. Not taxation in general, otherwise the authority to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States would not have been part of the constitution.
Obviously with the large percentage of communist sympathizers here censorship of some form must regularly take place on this forum.
This BS does not represent the typical Americans belief.
The sad part is these worthless excuses for humans wouldn't have the chance to snivel like little bitches had it not been for
the honorable men that died to give them the ability to be whining progressive communist trolls.
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Obviously with the large percentage of communist sympathizers here censorship of some form must regularly take place on this forum.
This BS does not represent the typical Americans belief.
The sad part is these worthless excuses for humans wouldn't have the chance to snivel like little bitches had it not been for
the honorable men that died to give them the ability to be whining progressive communist trolls.

goddamn, you make white people look stupid.

whose sock puppet are you, and what embarrassing debacle caused you to flee the forum the first time?
Some people have no problem letting others fight their battles for them.....

The irony of that statement is that is exactly what happens when people are sent off to war to kill people that they don't know and that have done nothing against them personally.