Weirdest sex or scariest sex story/experience + share yours.


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When I was 14 I had met 2 females and one of them were were interested in me and one of them on my buddy, I hooked up one of them for myself and one for my buddy, anyway we were camping out and middle of the night they invited us to come over weirdly middle of the night, we sneaked inside to their grandmothers house, anyway I really had to go for a piss badly and managed to wake her grandmother up, next minute some head popped out between the door I just froze for a second, we were all so scared that the girls tried denying we were there and that the grandmother was seeing stuff, she rang the police and locked all doors, we were trapped inside, we jumped out of second floor window landed on bins and ran 6am and went back to other tents.

there was a few of us :)
I found out squirting is real in porn them bitches are just pissing like a bastard. But one time I'm eating my wife's pussy like none other she's screaming I'm fingering the pussy going wild on the clit with my tongue "a little sucking they love it" and playing with the nipple all at the same time the pussy got real tight on my fingers and a little squirt came out tasted a little funny but I swallowed. :P Damn sure wasn't piss that was bullshit dude had a full beer I was like 15 like sure I'll have a beer took one sip and puked in his snake cage. :spew:Nasty bastard who keeps bottles of piss in their room? But at least he had to clean up pissy vomit. :bigjoint:
When I was 14 I had met 2 females and one of them were were interested in me and one of them on my buddy, I hooked up one of them for myself and one for my buddy, anyway we were camping out and middle of the night they invited us to come over weirdly middle of the night, we sneaked inside to their grandmothers house, anyway I really had to go for a piss badly and managed to wake her grandmother up, seeing granny a weird thought occurred so I went up to her and licked her face. She licked back and I knew I was in! She took out her teeth so she wouldn't choke and gave me the hummer job of a lifetime. I then did her doggy style on the bathroom floor covered in my piss when she startled me. next minute some head popped out between the door I just froze for a second, we were all so scared that the girls tried denying we were there and that the grandmother was seeing stuff, she rang the police and locked all doors, we were trapped inside, we jumped out of second floor window landed on bins and ran 6am and went back to other tents.
Now this is weird and scary
Where is the sex part? I thought this thread was about sex, weird and scary sex
Well I'm not going to go in detail of the stuff I did lol and the scary part was the fear of being locked inside and having the fear of cops showing up and if my parents found out they would of surely killed me.
Now this is weird and scary
Trust me you would only have to be there to understand the feeling I felt, just imagine you're just there sort of horny busy with the girl suddenly you glimp at the door see a head popping from the door corner, I couldn't see her body she was pipping from the side of the door that was slightly open, in denial I froze in shock, and my boy was on his own bed at the back with his girl, I couldn't say anything I just stood there when she disappeared I think I told me friend he was in denial for a second, not sure he might of seen her at the same time as I did.
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I found out squirting is real in porn them bitches are just pissing like a bastard. But one time I'm eating my wife's pussy like none other she's screaming I'm fingering the pussy going wild on the clit with my tongue "a little sucking they love it" and playing with the nipple all at the same time the pussy got real tight on my fingers and a little squirt came out tasted a little funny but I swallowed. :P Damn sure wasn't piss that was bullshit dude had a full beer I was like 15 like sure I'll have a beer took one sip and puked in his snake cage. :spew:Nasty bastard who keeps bottles of piss in their room? But at least he had to clean up pissy vomit. :bigjoint:
Hahaha golden.
the stories u hear about pastor daughters are true .........they are so repressed at some point and time something snaps in them and they are the best lays on the planet

weird part i stopped going to any Church at the age of 7 the pastor in the church said something to my mother made her cry and my father decked him we left never to return ........the pastor moves away when i am 13/14 (he lived 8 houses away from 1/2 mile)

at 22 started playing WOW when if first started before they nerfed it all up for the kids ....random guild i joined liked the name ....well this chick just bellows over it about is anyone going to talk about 6 months later i find out that it is the youngest daughter of my ex pastor ...freaked me the hell out they had moved about 150 miles to the north of me he was the pastor in a little town in PA

2 years of just goofing around on wow she starts private chatting me and we played together a lot 8 months of that and then she said i love u to me .....i did not say anything for 3 times well i got drunk one night she said it to me i said it back and with in 30 hours she was at my house.......the next 3 days were great except i found out a few things ........a guy can cum blood it hurts but fun as hell getting to there

now the scarey part and luckiest bastard on the planet bragging

well same girl still with her now ......been 10 years ....well here is the bragging and scared the hell out of me i thought i was being set up
well the lady i am with is bi and i am more then cool with that ......well about the 5 month we were dating she tells me that her GF likes me too and it was more then ok to fuck her any time she asks for it ...i swear she was setting me find a reason to be pissed at me for something later so for 3 months i did my best to avoid her (her GF) well one morning i wake up to a happy surprise her (my GF) wet pussy in my face and her GF sucking my dick that point i just went with it .........still together after 9 years like this

the brag does not stop there nor does pastor kinky repressed daughters ..........she has 2 sister and a cousin .......about the 4th year with her she has gotten pregnant we have kids so the family is always around and wanting to visit /us see them ....the oldest sister she was just cool with me strait off the middle sister well the first time i met her she tried to kill me .........took some shots at me with her gun eldest saved my ass .(the middle one is in the military) she was a man hater lez .......well my GF did it to me again told me to fuck them if they ask me (no shit really i nearly crapped my fucking pants when she told me that) i asked her 3 times really and she said yes.....told me she knows i love her and she loves me ....but she also loves her sisters and if it will make them happy she is ok with it she knows i will crawl into bed with her at the end of the day this point we now 6 years in 4 years ago the oldest was in love but the BF ended up dying in a car wreck caused by someone else and the middle sister actually likes me ......10 11 months after the BF died she ended up coming into the shower when i was in there and started something so i did .....she is loud i mean damn loud ......i get out and head back to my room to get clothes and my GF is there and she thanks me for making her sister happy again ......i still think this is a trap i am weighting for something to hit me ....nothing she starts something a couple other times my gf/her sister walks in times grabs some things from the room does her thing so ok i love this my girl is the best damn women on the planet is great and golden .......2 years ago the middle sister flat out tackles me in the yard and rapes me ....and oh god the girl likes to be hit and choked fucked hard in the ass no spit shove it and and if she bleeds she is happier (she scares me still does never met anyone that liked it that rough ) well she likes me a lot and it has turned into games with toys with her i swear she has at least 10k in leather and toys

the cousin she just joined my GF and self few times it stands now my gf and i are still together happy her eldest sister is married to a great guy he used his car to save my kids once someone did not use the parking break and car started to come down the hill he was backing out to leave and sawl it did not move let it hit him in drivers door so would not hit the kids in the side yard (we are at the end of the lane) got banged up pretty good man is great in my book so happy for her she has 2 kids now ........the middle sister well she likes to be my slave so i play those games with her when she is intown or wants too

i have no idea what i do or did to earn this ...............when i ask why me the only answer i get is because u are good ......i stopped asking about 7 years ago and just go with it .....when i see a chance to be nice to help out someone i do it trying to pay it back and keep the whole thing alive .....2 3 more years figure it is permit and can really enjoy
I found out squirting is real in porn them bitches are just pissing like a bastard. But one time I'm eating my wife's pussy like none other she's screaming I'm fingering the pussy going wild on the clit with my tongue "a little sucking they love it" and playing with the nipple all at the same time the pussy got real tight on my fingers and a little squirt came out tasted a little funny but I swallowed. :P Damn sure wasn't piss that was bullshit dude had a full beer I was like 15 like sure I'll have a beer took one sip and puked in his snake cage. :spew:Nasty bastard who keeps bottles of piss in their room? But at least he had to clean up pissy vomit. :bigjoint:
Yeah I squirt all the time. It sure as hell aint spraying out 4-5 feet like it does in porno. I have a strong suspicion is is pee too. They probably drink water all day and hold it in until the session.
I found out squirting is real in porn them bitches are just pissing like a bastard. But one time I'm eating my wife's pussy like none other she's screaming I'm fingering the pussy going wild on the clit with my tongue "a little sucking they love it" and playing with the nipple all at the same time the pussy got real tight on my fingers and a little squirt came out tasted a little funny but I swallowed. :P Damn sure wasn't piss that was bullshit dude had a full beer I was like 15 like sure I'll have a beer took one sip and puked in his snake cage. :spew:Nasty bastard who keeps bottles of piss in their room? But at least he had to clean up pissy vomit. :bigjoint:

girls can cream as for the squirt u are partly right (in the porn u are 100% ) it is triggered by a intense one where the body just keeps having it the bladder contracts and out it goes ....why most of them hit the bathroom before hand

as for cream that takes alot and depends on the lady it is basically a race track for the sperm to run on to the end increase the chance of getting pregnant ....some ladies just have wetter pussies then others
Yeah I squirt all the time. It sure as hell aint spraying out 4-5 feet like it does in porno. I have a strong suspicion is is pee too. They probably drink water all day and hold it in until the session.
Yeah it's definitely pee in porno's I read up on it after and it has something to do with a woman's prostate I think but it's only a small amount on porn it's ridiculous not even possible cause that prostate thing ain't very big,