What have you said to Women that Actually, Really Worked?

all depends on the lady

i have moved from the friend zone to happy play time ....not hard and i am no looker
1 make the lady laugh or giggle .......depending on how corny the jokes are u can tell how far off u are ......really really corny and laughs u are less then 5 mins out
2 listen to details they talk about wait a few mins /hours or days and repeat them back (shows u listened and care to as ask about it)
3 use all open sources for info family friends .......listen to stories hear what she likes and then plan a date using the info u learned
4 the date goes well do no chicken out .....u see a opening to give her a kiss u do ( make it good and u unlocked the key for a home run )

u hit all 4 major things
u make her laugh and feel comfy .......u listen to her and care about her day .........u did a romantic thing and showed again u listen to her ......a good kiss melts the last of the defenses and u are sliding into home base

after all that just mix up the things .....do 2 of her things to 1 of your things(date stuff) .....and make her cream 3 times to your 1 and u are never sleeping alone again
Hey what's up I'm superloud. oh hi I'm blank. i like that name. you want to hear a song i just wrote for u walking over here. Then usually after the song there dripping wet.
OK., alright. This one is everyone's type. Go. Leg worth?

Hey what's up I'm superloud. oh hi I'm blank. i like that name. you want to hear a song i just wrote for u walking over here. Then usually after the song there dripping wet.

naw man .........i am white and hate rap and country music
( yes white guy dislikes country) the only time i am willing to listen to rap is when i get a lap dance or she is getting freaky
Lol i thought i was Quoting the op. So now I'm starting to feel a little sad because you rejected me. I think I'm going to go to therapy now.
all good we can smoke a joint u will feel better .......if not i have moonshine 145% that fixes almost everything except the hangover in the morning it is real moonshine
Let's listen to Mr. Cruise, he seems confident (his best role next to Born on the 4th of July) -

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