Cash Crop Automazing

I am running a 1000wtt MH for 3 weeks then switch to HPS to finish out! Run all Hortilux Eye Bulbs with great results! Put seedling directly under 1000 as soon as they where sprouted in rock wool. Top feed for few days until roots hit the water! Always adjust an keep PH at 5.8 for DWC an 6.5 for soil feeding! Run 200-500 ppm from week 2 to week 4. Bump up about 100-200 a week until hit around 1000-1200 then stay there till flush! image.jpg
Note that this grow was left with a friend while I spent a week in Colorado at the Cannabis cup! Left April 17th came home 24th to my grow room hot as hell an all soil dry as a bone an plants wilted! Also DWC buckets where half empty an PH was at 3.5. :fire: I flight my lid! Could have killed him! But any ways I did a 3 day early change an soaked the baby's with water an Suoer Thrive! Took about 2 weeks to snap back but could only imagine what they could have been they not got dried out an stunted! Still pulled 55grams a plant off the Blue Amnesia's! Burning that now while CC finish off. Took 8 days to cure hanging in dark! Finishing citrin jars now. Won't be able but enough jars to house these baby's. I'll have to stuff 5gl buckets full..!! Bahhhhaa isn't that what we all want. Buckets full of premo meds in less than 70 days start to finish! Yes u can auto your own plants by Veg for 2 months then throw them in 12/12 for 2 months. Why?? All for 2-4 zips. These new autos r pulling 1/2 lbs in 3 months. No light change u can start plants every 2 weeks for a continuous harvest! Don't get me wrong I grow monster photos outside that pull 2-3 lbs a plant. I just can't see wasting 4-5 months of my time an the training an toping an lollipopping to get a nice plant. Smh.. Plant an auto an let it go. We will never compare our lights even close to sun but we can try! Thus reason I only run lights to start all my outdoor baby's for the year an have always thru few autos in mix! Why not. I can grow 3/4 to a 1lb off 4 autos while I'm waiting on my photos to grow up an sex out. An have nice smoke for summer because the previous fall harvest stock starts running out around March an April. Works great. I think I have found the autos that I will run every spring with my photo starts! #AUTOMAZING
Will be throwing plants in natural light to get a few pics for u guys here soon. There super frosty an have a Fruity smell. Seed bank says 70 days an I'm still 90% clear! An 1 out of the 3 I believe is week behind. It's still in the almost formed big buds but there still kinda nothing but hairs. Usually about a week later there formed into acutal buds an harden up. Other 2 been that way for about a week!
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First pic is one that's a little behind. An 2nd one is just part of one plant but 2 out of 3 r right on Q! Wanted show you pic of what they look like before they harden up an start to take shape. Best auto plants I have seen that finish in 70-75 days. Now there's super autos that go 100-110 days. Now them r some dandys! But I'll take qp in 2 1/2 months per plant of premo 22% they claim bud! Set light 20/4 an PH 5.8 an stick with a feeding schedule. Nothing to it.Also note these plants r 40-45 inches tall an have over 50 top colas!
another note to my journal as my hands r sticking to the screen from this Danky GSC nug I just chopped up.. Haha buttt.. Don't ever smoke cigs in your grow. Although the carbon may be good for them but the residue it leaves behind on leaves will cause a rust look an build up if u don't watch an growers start thinking nute lock/ph/over watering etc.. Smoking in your room is a NO!!NO!! I never once sprayed or foilar fed! They sweat a ton when lights r off an then burn it off when light comes back on! Maybe a little spray on early veg but never in flowering! IMHO
Day 65..!! Shhhuuuweeeee... There getting big. I'm still shocked everyday I walk in the grow! Getting closer! Seed bank says 70 I'm saying 75 on 2 of them an maybe even 85 on the 1on right in this pic! image.jpg
Finishing drying an curing. Took around 7-8 days to dry one first plant an yeilded 5 1/2 ozs off the runt plant! 4 oz of premo nugs an 1 1/2 of smaller stuff. Post pics when I get finally weight an all jars stacked up. Truly amazing grow this year!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man just read ya thread, bummer with the friend thing it was exactly like mine! I wanted to choke his throat like homer does ahaha, what ya growing now? Iv got a Ultra lemon haze auto thread which I need help with maybe check it out? Il post links at the end. It's on week 6 but it's only under 10" so in thinking it's a dud, luckily got two more of them! It's not even an auto which I though would be coming from "Autoseeds" aha shuda read the label. Iv also just yesterday put an order threw for Royal Queen Seeds Northern Lights should be sick and oh yeah I have a RQS amnesia haze auto aswell hehe

Here's the link dudee