nope wrong. I make my own. I clean everything rigorously . My grow is living organics. I dont use pesticides. I never ever get pm or any mold. mine is contaminant free. I don't shop at dispensaries. I just vend to them
How do you know they are contaminant free? Do you get them tested for contaminates?
chemical is man made. I think you confused the word chemical with solvent
No, that is not what the word chemical means.
half the dispensaries on weed maps are closed dowm
Not the ones with menus. You have to pay for that every month. If you do not pay, they take you off weedmaps. Also it tells you when the menu was last updated. The menu I linked was just updated, with bho. As are most other dispensaries in California.
why every dispensary in oc, riverside county and san Bernardino county stopped carrying bho.
Just going to the first dispensary on the list on weedmaps I see:
Orange county:
Fully stocked on bho, menu updated that day.
Fully stocked on bho, menu updated a day ago.
San Bernadino:
Fully stocked on bho, menu updated that day.
So no, you're wrong. People Vs Bergen 2008. People Vs Schultz 2011. Both ases
then new law again makes it a felony. The old law was a misdemeanor
No, you're wrong. "Health and Safety Code 11379.6 HS California's law against manufacturing controlled subsatnces is a felony, punishable by three, five or seven years in county jail and a maximum fine of $50,000.3"
People Vs Bergen 2008. People Vs Schultz 2011. Both cases involved hash oil for violations of health and safety code 11379.6.
The law isn't just what your friend told you about. There are real legal codes and real cases to back them up.
now producing bho is a felony 3-7 year minimum sentence felony. Now if a dispensary is known for having bho. That dispensary is being watched for the sole purpose of busting them for bho production.
Again, that describes nearly every dispensary in California. The state supreme court as already stated that possessing and selling these concentrates is legal.
you even said yourself dispensaries have to stop carrying ot July 17. Several people have already said their local dispensaries stopped carrying it. Its now illegal to produce an and sell in Wa starting June 24
That's not what I said. You are only reading what you want to hear and are ignoring the rest. What I was refering to was a law in the city of San Jose, not the state of California. It does not apply to places other than the city of San Jose.
co2 extracts , limonene extracts, water extracts. Dry sift are still ok
You're just making stuff up at this point. Co2, limonene, alcohol, etc all fall under 11379.6. That code does not mention butane specifically, it refers to resin manufacturing. People do get busted for making co2 oil in California. It's the exact same charge as manufacturing bho.